You Are Conditioned

Every relationship, every event, every thought has the power to impact our life in profound ways. The blank page of the moment picks up the hues and colors of the experience. They begin to create the story that we believe of our life. Eventually, these events have an influence on how we react and respond to our present day happenings, relationships and thoughts.

There is no room for judgment here. There is no positive or negative, no right and no wrong. We become conditioned, over time, by these experiences and our reaction to them. The ways in which we decide to choose to move through them, to curtail them, to alter them or to embrace them creates a touchstone for us to reflect on again, when a similar situation occurs.

But this is not to say that if we are unhappy with the patterns that repeat within our life, we can't choose to make a change. Making a change can and often does result in different unfoldings. We have to be aware and ready to catch the moment when we can pause and not automatically react, but instead consider. In that consideration we find we have choices. We recognize that we are conditioned, over time, to react or respond in a certain way, even when we have a deep knowing that it may not result in the way we want it to.

Often our conditioned response comes from a place of unawareness. We are not being fully present and in the moment. We may be going through the motions. We may be revisiting the past and feel rooted in old emotions or fears. Sometimes we are overcome by panic or anger and that fogs our thinking and keeps us distant from our inner truth and knowing.

To break the pattern of our conditioning we need to capture that fleeting moment between repeated experience and repeated response. It is within that in between moment that we can find a new light to bring to the experience. Perhaps a shift in perspective is all we need. Perhaps a leap of faith into an unfamiliar reaction. Perhaps a longer pause, to wait and see how things can unfold differently with a bit more time. In this moment of transition we can find a new way to empower ourself, a new way to heal or a new lesson to embrace. Choosing to break the conditioned response with a response of awareness keeps us present and allows us the opportunity to rewrite a portion of our story.

Blessings, Lisa

Do You Remember?

Do you remember who you really are? Not the labels that your family has placed upon you. Not the roles you fall into with your peers and friends. Not the person you wish you could be or weren't. Do you remember who you really are?

Let me help you. Get quiet, get still. Breathe in the memory of a time when you felt immensely connected to the space, the time, the people around you. You felt authentic. You felt whole. You felt peace, grace, joy. You felt free. You could just be. You were awake. You were vibrant. You were hungry and satisfied. You were knowing and inquisitive. You were giving and receiving.

You soul was in the forefront of the moment. You were not allowing your emotions to lead you. You were not lost in your thoughts. You were present and engaged. You knew who you were. You recognized your truth. You embraced your gifts. You used your voice. You were at ease with your silence. You moved with intention and you flowed with integrity. You remembered.

When we remember who we are we find that many things are aligning in our life. Our spiritual path is leading us to personal connections that bring wonder to our days. Our soul encourages us to practice compassion and patience. It invites us to embrace gratitude and appreciation. We explore and find miracles. We rest and find grace.

The Universe will continue to give us clues as to who we truly are. It will afford us opportunities to step fully into our authenticity. It will grant us all the possibilities of what can be. We simply need to show up, be open and remain connected. Connection to Source, to one another and to life becomes the life line to who we truly are. It provides us the the means to remember our purpose and to follow our call. Our soul's work becomes our breath throughout each moment of the day.

Blessings, Lisa

After the Yes!

So you have said yes to the Universe! Congratulations. Let the fun unfold! Now you will find that all that crosses your path has meaning and impact on how you unfold, what you decide and how you engage. Now you will see things differently and from a amazing new perspective. The horizon of your life's path has forever changed.

Your "No" will be limited now, as it will only be used for boundary setting, preventing energy manipulation and in seeking balance. You will no longer say no to things you don't like or feel like dealing with, because the wisdom of your yes is ready to embrace the lessons. You no longer are allowing your fear to keep you small with your "No" of insecurity.

You are ready to converse with the Universe. You are ready to give your soul voice. You are engaged and present, singing, dancing, honoring and witnessing. Your "Yes" rings out among the stars, echos through the mountains, dives deep into the seas and fans the fires of the Gods.

Your "Yes" awakens your trust of self. It sits beside your authentic truth. Your "Yes" clearly states that you are willing to flex with, to learn about and to release what is needed. Your "Yes" requires you to step aside and move out of your way. Your "Yes" tells your ego to relax about the change, that change is inevitable and beautiful and alive.

Your "Yes" opens the doors to the energies that flow to you and through you. Yes means that your awareness will be heightened and brilliant. Yes means you are willing to make mistakes, to play and explore, to pause and rest and to go deep and wide. Your "Yes" will become a way of life for you and you will one day look back and find it difficult to remember any other way!

Blessings, Lisa

Where Is The Balance?

We pass through many stages in our soul growth. The gates open for us and we pass through. Sometimes while we are in this process of learning something new, we are developing a blossoming skill, or we may be quieting down in the use of an one we overuse and we feel a bit of overwhelm and struggle with our balance.

As we step into unknown territory and begin new practices or release one's that no longer serve us there is a tremendous shift in our energies. Sometimes we gracefully move through this shift, but many, many times we find ourselves asking, "Where is the balance?"

Imagine learning the skill of using your words wisely to get what you need in life and not taking on more than you do need. We may find ourselves saying yes to too much. Or we may be saying no too often without giving it enough thought and looking at things from the many different perspectives. Hmmm, we need to find the balance.

Perhaps we gain a new tool to use in our spiritual practice. Our excitement and delight in this tool has us turning to it again and again with each decision or prayer we put forth. Our other tools sit waiting patiently for our return, even those that would so much better serve the purpose at the moment for us. Once again, we find we need to restore our balance and learn to select the just right tool for the intention.

As we learn to master our new skills, our tools, our newest practice we find that a tremendous aspect of the mastering is in finding the balance. Our soul will help us in this lesson. We just need to remember to tap into our inner wisdom and listen. We need to pause, slow down, consider, weigh and wait. With time it will be come clear what is needed. Our soul will help us to hone and craft the best use for our needs. We do not want to overcompensate or under use. We need to find our sweet spot in the process. That just right balance of energies, time and use. When we discover that finding the balance is also big part of the lesson we then find ourselves accepting that this is as well a wonderful aspect of our growth.

Blessings, Lisa