A new sacred gift has emerged within my soul mentoring with clients.
I refer to it as SOUL Song.
After having a brief conversation with you, I tune in energetically and then am able to bring song to the energies that are felt. This song is more like chanting and toning sometimes with a drum or a singing bowl or a rattle.
Each is unique and as individual as the soul it is for. A downloadable recording is made so that it can be listened to again and again. Some have chosen to use their SOUL Song for meditation, for dance, for relaxation and more.
The soul connection session takes approximately 15 minutes in person or over the phone. Each recording is a minimum of 15 minutes.
Fee: $50
Contact Lisa to learn more or to book your soul song.
“What an absolute magnificent celestial gift. Could see a multifaceted light during the whole thing, like a light at the end of a tunnel, but so much more than that. You have such a profound gift Lisa!”
Lisa Meade
For more information about SOUL Song and other offerings contact Lisa