The Power of a Talisman

Throughout time people have turned to symbols and tools, body adornment and decoration to help them embody power and energies. We have learned that by placing significance and intention into these objects and symbols we are reminded of our own power within. Over time and with practice and experience we incorporated crystals and stones, natural artifacts, colors, and more to these items to bring even more energies to them.

So what turns a pocket treasure or a pretty piece of jewelry into a powerful talisman? What sets it apart from a much loved piece to a spiritual reminder? Once again it comes down to the intention and the ritual or practice that we apply it to. By definition a talisman is any item that is imbued with specific power by its owner to serve a specific intention. They help ground that intention in our physical realm and on a soul level as well.

A talisman can intend protection, empowerment, attract abundance and more. The more one works with the talisman the more personal it becomes. Whether it be gems, wood, metal, plant, animal or even written word, a talisman can be tremendously powerful to the owner. More often than not the size of the talisman makes it easy to tuck away in a pocket, to be worn or to be carried throughout the day.

Markings that is often inscribed somewhere on the talisman can be in the forms of actual words or in symbols that are universal or specific to the owner. There is no one way for someone to create their talisman. Not only can it then serve in attracting what it is you intend, but it also serves as a reminder of your soul's calling and work.

When you want to create your own personal talisman there are many aspects of it to think about. The intention and planning of its creation is a big part of the power it is bringing. What element is it going to be made from? What energies does that element have? What color would you choose? If there is a symbol or some words that you want to include what will they be?

Once the talisman is created it needs to be cleansed and then charged with your personal energies. Some ways the cleansing can happen are by either smudging or placing the item in the sun or moonlight. The charging can happen by placing it on a personal altar and holding it during your spiritual time or by sitting with it and focusing deeply on what your specific intention is for it to represent. See in your mind's eye the outcome of using this talisman.

Nearly any item that you own can be used as a talisman whether it is a family heirloom or a newly purchased item or something hand crafted. It can be worn as "jewelry" or carried with you throughout the day. What is most important is the cleansing of it to remove any unwanted energies and then the charging of it with the bearer's intentions and energies. Many have found that using a talisman becomes a beautiful affirming representation of their goals and intentions and serves as a personal reminder of their connection to source.

Blessings, Lisa

You Are Conditioned

Every relationship, every event, every thought has the power to impact our life in profound ways. The blank page of the moment picks up the hues and colors of the experience. They begin to create the story that we believe of our life. Eventually, these events have an influence on how we react and respond to our present day happenings, relationships and thoughts.

There is no room for judgment here. There is no positive or negative, no right and no wrong. We become conditioned, over time, by these experiences and our reaction to them. The ways in which we decide to choose to move through them, to curtail them, to alter them or to embrace them creates a touchstone for us to reflect on again, when a similar situation occurs.

But this is not to say that if we are unhappy with the patterns that repeat within our life, we can't choose to make a change. Making a change can and often does result in different unfoldings. We have to be aware and ready to catch the moment when we can pause and not automatically react, but instead consider. In that consideration we find we have choices. We recognize that we are conditioned, over time, to react or respond in a certain way, even when we have a deep knowing that it may not result in the way we want it to.

Often our conditioned response comes from a place of unawareness. We are not being fully present and in the moment. We may be going through the motions. We may be revisiting the past and feel rooted in old emotions or fears. Sometimes we are overcome by panic or anger and that fogs our thinking and keeps us distant from our inner truth and knowing.

To break the pattern of our conditioning we need to capture that fleeting moment between repeated experience and repeated response. It is within that in between moment that we can find a new light to bring to the experience. Perhaps a shift in perspective is all we need. Perhaps a leap of faith into an unfamiliar reaction. Perhaps a longer pause, to wait and see how things can unfold differently with a bit more time. In this moment of transition we can find a new way to empower ourself, a new way to heal or a new lesson to embrace. Choosing to break the conditioned response with a response of awareness keeps us present and allows us the opportunity to rewrite a portion of our story.

Blessings, Lisa

Have You Forgotten


Have you forgotten how to dream? How to call in the images that delight your soul, how to dance with the ones who add joy to each step? Have you forgotten the faces of those who love you to your core? Have you forgotten their whispers that they spoke in your ear as you were born of your greatness and vibrancy that you bring to this earth? Have you hidden in your shadows afraid of your brightness and unsure of your purpose? Have you stepped aside from your passions and found yourself lost in the trappings of the demands of others?

How do we find ourselves? How do we reconnect? How do we dance again? How do we burn brighter than the stars and find our power within? No one said it is easy. No one has the answers? They are all within you, waiting for you to uncover them, to peel back the shadowy veils they are hidden in. They are in the eyes of those who love you and in the embraces of those who care. Their power to carry you forward is in the prayers and energies, the vibrations and simple moments that catch you by surprise.

Finding your way, finding your truth, recognizing your story and putting action into its unfolding is available to you. One small step at a time; in one simple moment of self trust. Each time you do this you move closer and closer to all that awaits you. The more you welcome into your life those who believe in you, those who really see you, those that are honored to witness you...the more support and celebration you welcome as well. This helps put speed and steadfast focus at your heals as you move forward.

Ask yourself, "What have I forgotten?" Listen closely to what your soul replies. Sit with it, feel it, embrace it and then ask the next question that bubbles up. Put action into your answers. Seek support? Remember patience and gentleness. Encourage faith and wise risk taking. Bravely move from where you are now to where you can be next. Honor each effort and love yourself through each challenge. Be true to you and begin again to remember.

Blessings, Lisa

The Guidance of Inner Wisdom

Unfortunately it is a challenge to go through life without having someone think that they know what is best for you and are insistent in sharing it. All the insights and concepts that they share will always, always pale in comparison to your inner wisdom. This is your most powerful resource. It is not found in books, in others' opinions, or online. It has been an abundant supply of knowing that resides within you that you can tap into as needed.

The important fact about this guidance that we all have is that in order for it get stronger and in order for us to be able to trust it, we have to use it. By using it we show that we value it and we begin to understand the ways in which it steps up to gain our recognition.

Inner wisdom does not care about what others think, what day of the week it is, how much money is involved, or how others are doing "it". Nor is it influenced by anything but what is true for you, in this moment, for your highest good, whatever that may be. Learning to lean into this inner wisdom and practice using it to guide you greatly impacts the choices you make and the direction your path takes us. It helps you stay in alignment with what is right for you, not playing catch up or comparison with others.

We all have this natural wisdom, though some are not willing to recognize it and others refuse to trust it. But for those who do, your inner consciousness will expand, your intuition will heighten, your personal power will grow and your self awareness will awaken. You will have conviction in your choices. You will bring truth to your actions. You will discover wonder in your ways. All this because you are now allowing this brilliant tool that you were born with guide you like no one else can. It is as though you are now holding hands with the Universe and you begin to see that all is as it should be and the beauty and joy to be found in that surrounds you.

Blessings, Lisa