
As with many spiritual practitioners, the shaman understands that one has to put more than just intention into one's evolution. It seems for most people the desire to expand to grow, and to move forward is a natural one. Transformation is sometimes born from dreams and hopes, often from pain and struggle and our soul beckons us onward.

As a shaman I see the unfolding of the transformation. The longing and desire to respond to the soul's call, the inspiration and influence of the guides, the coming together of the energies that surround and support us all taking part in the formation of the "medicine" necessary for the next step along the path. The seeds are planted, but the nurturing needs to take place for the growth to occur.

Bringing all this together, whether through ritual, practice and ceremony, and applying it with intention the manifestation begins. Intention is of the mind. We need to do more than just think about how we want things to be different in our life. Action is directed by the energies and the guides. When we engage this action with our intention then the shifts begin to occur. These changes are not always what we anticipated. They are sometimes quite challenging, especially as we break out of our comfort zone. Often times they are questioned by those around us, as we approach our day to day relationships and tasks from a different perspective. But they are necessary.

Evolving into our most Soul Self needs the combination of the two factors; thought and action. We all know how thinking about a new cleaner way of eating does not make it happen. We need to make healthier food choices, change our cooking methods, or perhaps alter the quantities that we eat. Just thinking about it, talking about it and wanting it or intending it...does not make it happen. The evolution is not complete. So it is with our soul work.

Whatever we are seeking to change, to grow, to release or to embrace of our self on a spiritual level requires us to listen closely to the direction of our soul. That intuitive voice that challenges you, that inspiring thought that tugs at you, those dreams that you have where you see your new self doing or being what you are hoping for...all these are thought activators and change making moments for you to adopt.

Shamanism brings together the beauty of the possibilities of evolving to our soul. It supports the bridge between intention and evolution by bringing together the thoughts with the energies, the inspiration with the guides and the dreams to the reality.

Blessings, Lisa

To Remain Open

Remaining open to life lessons and insight is a beautiful essence and way of being to bring to your day. There is a freedom that is found within. Accepting that we do not need to have all the answers, all of the time, is something that creates room for expansion, growth, gifts and beauty.

Many people have a difficult time saying "I don't know." They will struggle, pretend, and grasp for an answer as if the admittance somehow makes them less than in the eyes of others. But the reality is, within this statement, there is a great truth that shows just how wise one truly is. Being honest and open to one's ignorance creates room for greatness to be shared, room for our soul to expand and grow, room for life experiences and more.

Let's face it, we are not all interested in the same thing. We do not spend time studying, learning, exploring and investigating the same topics. We can't! This creates beautiful opportunities within our relationships for introducing, for sharing and for expressing. When we admit that we do not know something we create an opportunity to learn, a chance for wonder, a moment of engagement and a time for interaction in being the receiver of information from a giver of knowledge. The art of expression blossoms.

When we create the room for not knowing, we are not showing our weakness. Instead, we are making room for greatness. It becomes an opportunity for a relationship to deepen, for someone's confidence to shine bright, and for our ego to become comfortable with the not being the ONE! Most people who have practiced this act are very comfortable and confident in their not knowing. Being an empty vessel creates beauty within.

It takes honesty, integrity, confidence and great authenticity to admit we do not know something, especially when there is an expectation from others that we do or "should" know it. Not only is it an opportunity to model to others that there is no shame in not knowing, but it also opens our being up to the magnitude of discovery and learning. It creates pause to be receptive, it generates inquiry and wonder, and it shows your genuine ability to be flexible and vulnerable. It is a time for curiosity to grow and possibilities to manifest!

Blessings, Lisa


Quiet Wonders

Stop anyone on the street and ask them what they would like to change in their world and you will get an answer. We tend to focus a good deal of our time and energies on the changes we want to see and be. We share our thoughts about this with friends and loved ones. We purchase books and programs to support our efforts. We look to others to see what path they have chosen to reach their goals of change. We are a very busy group of changers.

Sometimes, though, changes happen subtly and quietly. We set our intention and then turn it over to the Universe, to God or to our Higher Power. Sometimes, the only action we bring to it is our hope. With fingers crossed we move forward with our day and trust that something will shift, change or release. Sometimes we just have to leave it to prayer and positive thoughts.

We don't always know what to do to create the change we are seeking. Sometimes, we just don't have it in us to push on, so we turn it over to Source. There are those times when it feels like it is a dream, a golden desire, so distant that all we can do is hope. Yet, life has a way of quietly creating miracles.

The Universe knows our intentions, it hears our longings and it aligns with our heart. Sometimes all of our preparations for change lead us to a place of waiting. Waiting, releasing and trusting creates the quiet wonder that we often find ourselves blessed with. Somehow getting out of the way, letting go of the struggle and remaining open to the possibilities creates the silence that opens the space within our life for growth.

Blessings, Lisa

After the Yes!

So you have said yes to the Universe! Congratulations. Let the fun unfold! Now you will find that all that crosses your path has meaning and impact on how you unfold, what you decide and how you engage. Now you will see things differently and from a amazing new perspective. The horizon of your life's path has forever changed.

Your "No" will be limited now, as it will only be used for boundary setting, preventing energy manipulation and in seeking balance. You will no longer say no to things you don't like or feel like dealing with, because the wisdom of your yes is ready to embrace the lessons. You no longer are allowing your fear to keep you small with your "No" of insecurity.

You are ready to converse with the Universe. You are ready to give your soul voice. You are engaged and present, singing, dancing, honoring and witnessing. Your "Yes" rings out among the stars, echos through the mountains, dives deep into the seas and fans the fires of the Gods.

Your "Yes" awakens your trust of self. It sits beside your authentic truth. Your "Yes" clearly states that you are willing to flex with, to learn about and to release what is needed. Your "Yes" requires you to step aside and move out of your way. Your "Yes" tells your ego to relax about the change, that change is inevitable and beautiful and alive.

Your "Yes" opens the doors to the energies that flow to you and through you. Yes means that your awareness will be heightened and brilliant. Yes means you are willing to make mistakes, to play and explore, to pause and rest and to go deep and wide. Your "Yes" will become a way of life for you and you will one day look back and find it difficult to remember any other way!

Blessings, Lisa