The Soul's Exploration

How do you approach your life? Are you in continual questioning mode? Are you always seeking to advance? Looking to change? Wanting more? Yes, this can definitely be a part of our soul expansion. But there is another side to approaching life.

Soul exploration often happens during a time of pause and reflection. What if we took the time exploring our soul's needs, desires and passions? What would we find? Many times people don't spend enough time in the pause. They forget how important it is to check in, to see what has shifted, what has awakened or what is no longer?

When we break from our daily routine and step into this wondrous place of solitude, quiet and consideration we fine that our soul is so ready to engage with us. It wants for us to feed it more, to embrace wider, to release and finally let go and to dig deeper. Doing this helps our soul bring our purpose closer and closer our way.

Life has the option to be fuller, if we are aware and willing to explore. It is a process. It is not an overnight accomplishment. Sometimes it is best for us to spend a few moments each day in this exploration. Sometimes retreating from our daily tasks and setting aside a day, a weekend, or even a week to really mull over, entertain and wonder is the perfect fit for the exploration.

The more willing we are to look at what our soul has to offer us, the more involved we become in our spiritual practice and our dance in life. We find that we feel connected in a positive and passionate way. We notice our perspective shift. Our vision sharpens. Our words may soften or become more powerful. Our dreams become alive and obtainable. Our relationships become dearer and more meaningful.

When we explore with our soul we remember who we really are. We fall in love with our Self. We bring appreciation for the blessings in our life and we see the possibilities in places that beforehand were closed doors and boring avenues. Life is good, and it can be even better. We just need to be mindful that engaging with our soul is often where we find the brightest spark.

Blessings, Lisa

Finding The Treasures That Surround You

We often find ourselves stuck in ruts. The mundane and ordinary that fill our day are because we have stopped seeking newness, the wonder, the different perspectives that are all around us.

Think about Nature and the perspectives She gifts us with. Go to the ocean on a brilliant sunny day and what you see may be very different from that of a cloudy stormy day. Still the same ocean, just a shift in the perspective. Go out into the forest at dawn and stand still, listen, look about and feel. Now revisit again the same forest at night and stand still, listen, look about and feel. What has changed? Same forest, just a different perspective.

Now lets take it a bit deeper. That ocean may be vastly different to the gull that soars above it compared to the crab that crawls upon its sandy shore. That forest will be a unique play land to the deer who travels across its ledges and feeds upon its meadows compared to the beetle who scurries across the branch of a tree...the forest is its Universe!

If we are willing to see the varied perspectives of our life and if we encourage and teach ourselves to do this, life can be fuller and richer and far less ordinary and mundane. The willingness to see our struggles from different perspectives affords us possibilities and solutions. Our flexible view point can create change when we feel stuck.

Being willing to explore the landscape of our life can create wonder and magic. It can also help us to find places to grow in and aspects to release. It can be the dose of encouragement we need to break out of our stagnant ways and into the beauty that awaits us. Life is meant to be full. We are meant to be engaged and to do so we have to be observant and open.

Learning to view from different perspectives can be fun and not daunting. Think of how a child would view the situation. Think of what your favorite role model would see. Perhaps approach it the way your most inspiring friend would. Even look at it from an animals perspective. You will be surprised at what is revealed by seeking new perspectives. Often our answers to our queries are right in front of us, we just cannot see them, but with a subtle shift, the treasures await us! And we cannot ignore them.

Blessings, Lisa

Within the Simplicity Greatness Is Found

I have long done a simple act that keeps me connected on a very conscious level with the energies of those around me. In a recent conversation with a client I was reminded that many do not have this interconnectedness in their lives.

Each day I spend a few moments recognizing both in my heart and mind those that I am connected to daily, face to face. I picture in my mind's eye family and friends, pets and local animals that visit my life, all those who cross my path regularly. Then I picture those who I have in my life daily that I do not see face to face, but certainly interact with regularly. All my friends on social media, relatives and friends that live at a distance, teachers and mentors, students and clients. To this I then recall those who I interact with that no longer live in this realm. I often will converse in my heart and soul with loved ones who have crossed over, to my spirit guides and angels, my guardians and soul friends. From here I go to all those who I do not personally know, but certainly am connected to. I recall the farmers who have grown the food I honor my body with, the artisans who have created treasures in my home that I cherish, the authors of books that I love, and the potter who crafted the tea cup I drink from daily. Each connection adding energies and gifts to my life.

From here I extend my connections even further. Out to the beautiful sun that shines upon the plants that produce my food, the rain, the wind, the rich soil. I connect to the energies of the Universe that cradles this wondrous Earth and so on.

In a mere few minutes each day this simple act of weaving my thoughts and energies together with the energies and offerings of all the touches my life brings a tremendous acknowledgement of the interconnectedness my life has with others. As I breathe this in a beautiful flow of gratitude envelopes me. My heart expands with a love of life and others. My soul sings in the rich resource of all this beauty, vibrancy and wonder.

It takes a mere few minutes, a cup of tea, a stroll around the yard, or a few moments standing at the stove stirring the pot of soup I am preparing for dinner. I send out with each breath gratitude. I breathe in all the vibrations of connection that are present. Prayers of well being form in my mind and travel through my soul. And in this gentleness I find simple abundance. For within this simple act so much greatness is found!

Blessings, Lisa

The Guidance of Inner Wisdom

Unfortunately it is a challenge to go through life without having someone think that they know what is best for you and are insistent in sharing it. All the insights and concepts that they share will always, always pale in comparison to your inner wisdom. This is your most powerful resource. It is not found in books, in others' opinions, or online. It has been an abundant supply of knowing that resides within you that you can tap into as needed.

The important fact about this guidance that we all have is that in order for it get stronger and in order for us to be able to trust it, we have to use it. By using it we show that we value it and we begin to understand the ways in which it steps up to gain our recognition.

Inner wisdom does not care about what others think, what day of the week it is, how much money is involved, or how others are doing "it". Nor is it influenced by anything but what is true for you, in this moment, for your highest good, whatever that may be. Learning to lean into this inner wisdom and practice using it to guide you greatly impacts the choices you make and the direction your path takes us. It helps you stay in alignment with what is right for you, not playing catch up or comparison with others.

We all have this natural wisdom, though some are not willing to recognize it and others refuse to trust it. But for those who do, your inner consciousness will expand, your intuition will heighten, your personal power will grow and your self awareness will awaken. You will have conviction in your choices. You will bring truth to your actions. You will discover wonder in your ways. All this because you are now allowing this brilliant tool that you were born with guide you like no one else can. It is as though you are now holding hands with the Universe and you begin to see that all is as it should be and the beauty and joy to be found in that surrounds you.

Blessings, Lisa