What I Found In The Preparation

In just a couple of days the doors to my home will open wide and be ready to embrace. It shall be filled with the laughter of soul sisters. Several women gathering from across the states and Canada to have a few brilliant and rich days together. During this time we will celebrate, we will honor, we will learn and we will explore. There will be releasing and healing. There will be witnessing and allowing. There will be connection and awakening. During the three days time we will share together our souls and combine energies. Our hands will be busy making shamanic tools. Our bellies will be filled with delicious homemade meals of nurture and comfort. Our minds will be delighted as stories are shared. And our bodies will be flowing with vibrant energies.

In these days proceeding our gathering, I am in preparation. There are linens to be collected. Supplies to be laid out. Food to be made. And space to be created. The busy-ness fills my days with delightful anticipation. I love these gatherings. My soul is singing.

Within all this preparation I find myself counting. I count the many blessings these women bring to my life. I count the number of times we have told one another that we simply cannot wait; feeling childlike and giddy with excitement. I count the offerings that I will be sharing, each designed with at least one of the women in mind. I find in the preparations a wondrous caring that fills my soul as I choose the just right plates and bowls for our feasts and as I lay out throws of jewel toned colors for the autumnal chill that is in the air. As I  choose the candles to be lit I think of the light in each of these precious relationships that I share.

Preparing for gatherings, to me, is like a gentle unfolding ritual. I fill each act with gratitude. I plan with anticipation of bringing pleasure and delight. I look for ways to ensure comfort and ease. As I prepare, I listen to my soul as it suggests, guides and reminds me of all the little nuances of each relationship and how to highlight the parts that I cherish the most.

One can get caught up in preparations. It has happened to me in the past, stressing if there will be enough, worrying over the timing, concern for what may not go accordingly. But I have learned that if I prepare with loving intentions then all flows as it should. The tone becomes set, just as the feasting table, with delicious presentations of my love and admiration of all. The "work" becomes acts of loving appreciation. There is little I am not doing with joy and consideration.

How do you prepare for your events and gatherings. What intentions do you bring to the hustle and bustle in the days beforehand? How do you hold the energies in your heart of what you hope for and what you expect? What I have found in the preparations is that there is greatness in the smallest of details and wonder in the gathering and placement. These energies are the ones I choose to embrace. Letting go of any stress or any worries and instead dancing with the energetic flow that radiates from the loving care.

Blessings, Lisa

Within the Simplicity Greatness Is Found

I have long done a simple act that keeps me connected on a very conscious level with the energies of those around me. In a recent conversation with a client I was reminded that many do not have this interconnectedness in their lives.

Each day I spend a few moments recognizing both in my heart and mind those that I am connected to daily, face to face. I picture in my mind's eye family and friends, pets and local animals that visit my life, all those who cross my path regularly. Then I picture those who I have in my life daily that I do not see face to face, but certainly interact with regularly. All my friends on social media, relatives and friends that live at a distance, teachers and mentors, students and clients. To this I then recall those who I interact with that no longer live in this realm. I often will converse in my heart and soul with loved ones who have crossed over, to my spirit guides and angels, my guardians and soul friends. From here I go to all those who I do not personally know, but certainly am connected to. I recall the farmers who have grown the food I honor my body with, the artisans who have created treasures in my home that I cherish, the authors of books that I love, and the potter who crafted the tea cup I drink from daily. Each connection adding energies and gifts to my life.

From here I extend my connections even further. Out to the beautiful sun that shines upon the plants that produce my food, the rain, the wind, the rich soil. I connect to the energies of the Universe that cradles this wondrous Earth and so on.

In a mere few minutes each day this simple act of weaving my thoughts and energies together with the energies and offerings of all the touches my life brings a tremendous acknowledgement of the interconnectedness my life has with others. As I breathe this in a beautiful flow of gratitude envelopes me. My heart expands with a love of life and others. My soul sings in the rich resource of all this beauty, vibrancy and wonder.

It takes a mere few minutes, a cup of tea, a stroll around the yard, or a few moments standing at the stove stirring the pot of soup I am preparing for dinner. I send out with each breath gratitude. I breathe in all the vibrations of connection that are present. Prayers of well being form in my mind and travel through my soul. And in this gentleness I find simple abundance. For within this simple act so much greatness is found!

Blessings, Lisa

Do You Share?


We raise our children telling them that it is nice to share. Yet, when it comes to our gifts in adulthood, many turn to self preserving of their gifts instead of sharing them. Do you hoard your gifts and blessings, saving them for a day of need?

We worry about being deprived or being taken advantage of. But that truly has nothing to do with the willingness to share. Being taken advantage of has to do with not have strong boundaries and clear intentions. Fear of deprivation causes us to disengage and pull back.

Our soul does not flourish in that fear. It does not shine brightly when it is hiding or in isolation. We begin to feel even more fearful, alone and disconnected. Our inner flame grows smaller and smaller and our essence feels weaker.

When we hoard our gifts, whether they be of love, guidance, support, wisdom, insight, healing, energy or the like, we hold this belief that we will be richer for not spreading them too thin. Yet the truth is the more we share these the richer we and the world around us becomes.

Sharing our gifts, allowing them to ripple out, not only is how it is intended by Source for it to be, but it also is quite generative. The best way to increase the blessings within your life is to share. The surest way to feel abundance is to give. The wisest way to live is by offering freely.

Our soul will expand in its fullness as we embrace this truth. Others will see our model and join in with the sharing. The Universe will celebrate as the connection of this generosity spreads from heart to heart and soul to soul.

This act creates inspiration. It births energies that are creative in nature and responsive to need and necessity. This practice of sharing brings into play our deepest truth. It opens the door to a world where connection to others blesses our life. It sheds light onto the service we can bring to our path and it causes the vital force of the nature of our soul's harmony to align with that of others. What will you share with the world today?

Blessings, Lisa

Finding Presence in Solitude


A day to myself! A rare thing in my life, but so valued. My husband and youngest son went to ski with our oldest son three hours from home. A full day to myself! What a treasure! What a treat! What to do?

I spent the morning preparing for a visit from a mentee later this week. She will be flying in from Hawaii and staying for a several days. We have so many delightful plans. I organized, gathered, grouped and prepared. I took great delight in making the space she will call home while here filled with beauty and comfort. I cleaned and primped the space. Washing the warmest of flannel sheets for her, knowing the New England temperature will feel fierce to her heat loving body. I set out candles and crystals to call in positive energies and peaceful moments. I gathered books to share, items to discuss, and mapped out activities we are so looking forward to doing together. The morning was quickly over as I delighted in my arrangements made for her visit. There was wondrous anticipation present in the joyful planning.

After a quiet lunch and a pot of Dragon's Well tea I read. Three whole uninterrupted chapters! I got lost in the pages, took notes, paused and re-read paragraphs and enjoyed the author's voice and vision. I then turned to my journal to capture my thoughts on what I had read and what inspirations were created. Curled up under an afghan with a cat sleeping on my feet, we both purred the early afternoon away. I felt connected to my soulful presence and my thoughts.

Later in the day I caught up on email and friend's messages. I looked up a few recipes for my mentee's visit. I then took stock of ingredients I had on hand and those I would need. I shared an hour long call with one of my daughters, exchanging thoughts about this and that and lots of laughter in between, missing her presence but feeling her essence through the phone lines.

As the quiet of the late afternoon descended I went into sacred space. It was there that I brought my presence and attention to next. I reflected deeply upon the past year and all its unfoldings. I looked inward to the ways in which I have expanded. I remembered the release of so many different aspects, beliefs and ways that were not serving me and realized that they were no longer missed. I appreciated those who are in my life, sharing of themselves, adding to my days, celebrating with me, challenging me, inspiring me and witnessing me and my work. I offered gratitude to the many ways in which Source allows me to connect, shows me light in the darkness, offers moments of encouragement and calls me further and deeper still. I wondered at the many possibilities that I have been exploring and felt a deep peace settle within me as I realized, whatever direction I choose, I will receive what I need from it, I will learn and grow in it and I will find beauty there as well.

After a simple dinner and a quick phone call from the men telling me they were heading home after a full day of skiing and male bonding, I found more presence. I sat looking out into the night sky. The full moon of yesterday, just a sliver shy. The gray sky of the day now filled with stars. The snow seeming to glow from the moonlight, with shadows of bare branched trees stretching over it. My heart and soul overflowing with the day's gifts and gentleness.

A day of solitude, full, varied and all mine. I brought my presence to each part of the day, finding in the layers much for me to honor. The abundance found, the gifts, the wonder, the reflections and the pause all swaddled me in a comfort much needed. It is a gentle reminder to me that days like today are a special necessity. Bringing presence in all its beautiful forms to my life allows me to step into the wholeness of my life and to feel my evolving truth in all its places.

Blessings, Lisa