Awaken Your Awareness

We all have our unique way of awakening our awareness. For some it is a sudden moment or event in time that everything seems to change. We see things from a new perspective, we feel things differently and we find ourselves reacting in new fresh ways. For others their awakening of their awareness is more subtle; a slow and gradual shifting, a graceful blending of beliefs and focus.

There is no ONE way to find one's personal spiritual practice and path. As children we are exposed to the beliefs of those around us, we may participate in traditions and cultural ceremonies and we find our own unique ways in which it all resonates. We carry these observations and ideas into our adulthood and with time put them to practice and to test.

Life brings our way trials, struggles, leaps of faith, celebrations, losses, and more. Each of these present the opportunities to practice our awareness. Some people shut down or go into auto pilot, or some take a long and trusted approach. Other may see each opportunity as a new window to look through. They may ask themselves how can I do this differently this time. Often this type of perspective evolves from the awakening of our soul, the clambering of our passion or the inspiration of our dreams. We want more, we are need a shift, or we are answering a call to go deeper.

Our inner guidance can lead us to where we turn next. It will challenge us if we are open to its messages. It may point out that if we are not happy with the status quo ... that we need to do things differently. It may remind us of the excuses we tend to hide behind when we feel anxious or overwhelmed. But if we remain awake and open to our truth, we begin, step by simple step, to move into the direction that is right for us in this moment.

The more and more that we do this, then the more we become attuned to what is right for us. What has worked for someone else may not look anything like what will work for us. We can become our own inspiration. Our consciousness will create opportunities for us to see things differently, respond in a new way, change course or embrace what we have turned away in the past. As we awaken our awareness, life begins to look a bit different. It begins to reveal all the gifts and truths it has been holding for us. We let go of our worries about what others will think or say and rest in the beauty of what is waiting for us in our day and in this moment.

Blessings, Lisa

The Guidance of Inner Wisdom

Unfortunately it is a challenge to go through life without having someone think that they know what is best for you and are insistent in sharing it. All the insights and concepts that they share will always, always pale in comparison to your inner wisdom. This is your most powerful resource. It is not found in books, in others' opinions, or online. It has been an abundant supply of knowing that resides within you that you can tap into as needed.

The important fact about this guidance that we all have is that in order for it get stronger and in order for us to be able to trust it, we have to use it. By using it we show that we value it and we begin to understand the ways in which it steps up to gain our recognition.

Inner wisdom does not care about what others think, what day of the week it is, how much money is involved, or how others are doing "it". Nor is it influenced by anything but what is true for you, in this moment, for your highest good, whatever that may be. Learning to lean into this inner wisdom and practice using it to guide you greatly impacts the choices you make and the direction your path takes us. It helps you stay in alignment with what is right for you, not playing catch up or comparison with others.

We all have this natural wisdom, though some are not willing to recognize it and others refuse to trust it. But for those who do, your inner consciousness will expand, your intuition will heighten, your personal power will grow and your self awareness will awaken. You will have conviction in your choices. You will bring truth to your actions. You will discover wonder in your ways. All this because you are now allowing this brilliant tool that you were born with guide you like no one else can. It is as though you are now holding hands with the Universe and you begin to see that all is as it should be and the beauty and joy to be found in that surrounds you.

Blessings, Lisa

Are You Listening to Your Body?


You receive many message throughout the day, some obvious, some subliminal. Some come from outside of yourself through media, friends, conversations, nature, Source. But one particular source that not everyone is accustomed to listening to is your body and the messages it is trying to send to you.

Your body will always tell you the truth. It may not always make sense to you. It may not always be what you want to hear. It often is not a loud broadcast, but it will be persistent. You cannot control the messages your body sends you, but you can ignore it. Or you can engage with in this conversation and listen.

Your body is a very wise source. It knows you better than you think you do! Many times seeking the messages from your body when you are going to make a choice or decision is not something that you do. But imagine this; there is a choice to make about whether to accept a new job offer. It will mean a change in your sleep cycle, your social life, your family connections and your eating patterns. It will also increase your finances and your responsibility load. You may consult your friends for their opinion, you may consult a coworker, you may consult resources or others in your field, you may pray, meditate or journey on it, but do you consult your body as well?

Imagine what your body would say? This conversation could go in many different directions, but to be sure if you honestly listen your body will have an opinion on how this choice will impact it, perhaps for the better or perhaps not. But given that you are in relation with your body every minute of every day, shouldn't it be one of the main sources that you consult?

Another way your body communicates to you may not be so topic specific as above. Instead it will send you message through its responses and reactions. Perhaps you are deciding about whether to move across the country. Whenever you think about this choice your body is speaking up. You just need to pay attention.

Does your body feel relaxed when you consider this? How is your breathing? Your heart rate? Do you feel inspiration, delight and enthusiasm or dread, fear and confusion? You see what I mean, your body is speaking to you, all you need to do is listen. Now, that is not to say that only your body has a voice in the decision making. But shouldn't it be considered?

You body is tremendous resource of inner wisdom and guidance. It stores your life experience. It is the temple for your connection to Source. It knows what it needs and will attempt to convey that to you. So, are you listening to your body?

Blessings, Lisa