The Magic of Imagination


The biggest tool I bring to my life's journey is my imagination. My soul celebrates with it, dances and prances with it. My imagination is the creator of many of my magical questions. It is what allows me to soar through possibilities and wonder at my options. It awakens a special creative focus within me that when I spread that through my solutions and the mystery unfolds!

When I play with my imagination I entertain new qualities I can bring to my day. Through my imagination's view I see with a new perspective. When I bring my imagination to my life's journey I can become an adventurer as I explore and uncover patterns, concepts, processes and energies of my life. I delight in my passions and uncover possibilities that often seem hidden from my realistic view of life.

When I do not take my imagination out to my day's work I find that I feel one-dimensional. I don't go nearly as deep as I can. I feel flat. Life sometimes needs this jolt of energy to keep me from getting stuck and taking things too literal.

My soul thrives in imagination. It recognizes it as potential energy to expand in, to play with, to challenge things over and to step boldly into. Living with imagination keeps me vibrantly multidimensional and awake. When I choose imagination as a means of taking on a situation or a task in my day I bring in energies that create, they help manifest, they see beauty and love, they find the miracles, and the change and shift things. My conditions are altered, I re-write my past scenarios and find potential, and my divine essence blossoms.

Imagination; one of the greatest gifts I have been given. It is vital to the fullness of my life. It is the breath that sets me sailing into the unknown with hope and wonder. It is the fire that fuels my inner light and my passions. It is the delight that forms when I recognize the wonder shimmering throughout my day.

Blessings, Lisa

Keeping the Fire Alive


Keeping our fire alive is a challenge at times depending on where we are on our life's path. We need to be able to appreciate the positives in our life and we need a commitment to put action in our life.

Holding and honoring what is good in our life keeps us out of story, out of the past and out of the future. It keeps us present. It also keeps us in a positive energetic vibration. It is hard to feel sorry for your self, to feel angry or to be in a place of blame or shame when we are in a state of appreciation. It works every time!

Bringing commitment into action has us pause and look about our life and ask, "What needs to be done?" It is a golden chance for reflection. It gives us time to listen to our soul's needs. It brings our authentic wisdom into our life's plan.

If we then bring this appreciation into the equation with the committed wise action we find that our energies are filled with abundance, forward thinking and positivity, instead of a coming from a place of lacking, regret and negativity. It also alleviates the struggle.

We are not approaching our life with an empty tank. We are not seeing our self as less than, broken, or in need. Instead we bring our soul's inspiration, our heart's passion, our mind's dreams. We bring along a rich and vibrant energy that is found in appreciation. Within this gratitude and admiration of what we have been blessed with we find an energy that sets into motion for us the next expansion to our day. It brings abundance of ideas, concepts, resources, and creativity.

Focus has much to do with our inner fire. What we focus our time and energies on is often what we get. A subtle shift in one's perspective, in one's appreciation and we then see the embers begin to come alive. We see our innate power at work. We find our true voice. We awaken our passions. And our fire burns bright.

Blessings, Lisa

The Beginner's Mind


Do you remember the curiosity you had as a child? Do you recall the hours lost in playtime, the pretend friends, the stuffed animals that spoke to you and the fantasy land you would visit after reading a favorite storybook? As children we all had what Zen refers to as the beginner's mind. This part of our mind has not been lost, but for some, it does need to be welcomed back.

Over time our mind begins to fill up with logic, with theory, with facts. All important in the evolution of the mind, but not more important than radiance and vibrancy of the fantasy and pretend world. Both should be equally valued. But, in our society, knowledge seems to be favored as the more valued wisdom.

Wisdom can be found in the creative. We just need to be seek it! We need to value its unique flavor, it colorful perspective and its vital energy. Without this form of wisdom in our life we are only partially full with our gifts and only part of the way into our energetic resources.

The beginner's mind of a child means that we are open to the wonders of the world. We see life with awe and fascination. We truly believe anything and everything is possible. We embrace adventure, spending each day discovering and experiencing new things!

If we can remember to keep this wisdom alive in our lives and foster it, life is very different. Possibilities and opportunities surround us. The Universe showers upon us gifts and lessons that thrill our soul and bring brilliance to our life. Miracles are around every corner. We begin to see life so differently when we bring this form of our wisdom into our daily life.

Education is an important part of our society. It serves us well and allows us to be trained and in service to others. It creates solutions and asks important questions. It is highly valued. But look beyond this academic wisdom. Don't let it stile your beginner's mind from seeking the joy and appreciation of life. Don't forget to dream and be curious. Bring your radiant wisdom into your day and watch what happens. It is the juice of passion and the quickening energy of growth. If you want your life to expand to the far reaches of your imagination, show up with your beginner's mind, nurture and cultivate it and you will not be disappointed.

Blessings, Lisa


Divine Beauty


Tell someone that they are beautiful and you may get one of many different responses. Depending on that person's story and beliefs around beauty it may be a positive reaction or a negative, or it could be indifferent. The response may also be based on what you are referring to when you acknowledge their beauty.

One indisputable fact is that we are all divinely beautiful. We have an essence of our soul that shines. Maybe not all the time, maybe not in a while, perhaps it is hiding or wounded, but underneath it all and somewhere in the busy-ness of our life, our divine beauty exists.

There is greatness to be found in embracing this divine beauty. It illuminates our soul. It empowers our actions. This type of beauty touches hearts. It also heals wounds and unlocks doors. It is the spirit of our being. And it is completely and entirely unique to you.

This divine beauty cannot be purchased or copied. It cannot be embellished or masked. It is so vibrant that it shines through the cracks of our insecurities, the bars of our bravado, and the shadows of our pain.

It often is seen by others before we are aware of its presence. Yet it is this very beauty that connects us to each other. It brings worlds together. It creates union. It fosters peace and it welcomes simplicity.

There are many in our lives who we can identify with this glorious beauty. We hold them in a tender and special place within our heart. We think of them far differently from the glossy magazine paged bodies or the cinema screen bombshells. And if by chance we discover it in someone who also exhibits outward polished beauty, we stress the divine beauty as far more valuable and appreciated, "She may have a lovely face, but her heart and compassion truly are where her beauty shines."

So think on this. What is your divine beauty? How do you express it? What do you do to allow it to freely flow into the world and touch others? How do you recognize it and honor it? We are all divinely beautiful and it is here that we need no redefining!

Blessings, Lisa