The Many Roles of You

There are the givers and the takers, the movers and the shakers. We all play different roles throughout our days of our lives. Regardless of the role, the energy we bring to it, the way we approach this role has so much to do with how engaged, receptive or present we are. We have the choice to be fully present or to be absent and resentful.

We all hold times where we are doing for others and then those times are balanced with others doing for us. Both are equally important. Neither should be done begrudgingly. Bringing our pure authentic energies to these roles creates beauty and flow. Each role can create acts that are gifts to the relationship.

Whether we are in a place of nurturing or witnessing, it is important for us to bring our appreciation to the moment, to bring our gratitude to those we are engaged with, and to explore the possibilities of the outcome and all its potential. Approaching our roles with this positive perspective allows lessons to flow, energies to expand, and generates forward movement of beauty and grace.

This fullness of energy awakens within us a sense of integrity and a satisfaction of service. It also brings alignment to our body, mind and soul. With this alignment we put out the welcome mat to those who we are meant to meet, to attract and to dance this magical dance of life with. The people and circumstances that become a part of our day bring richness and wonder. By bringing our best to every role we hold, we allow the Universe to create possibilities, to shower abundance and to gift us with lessons that will amplify the brilliance of this lifetime in very powerful ways.

Blessings, Lisa

Ready, Set, GO!

How do you go for it? Do you embrace the beautiful truth that the Universe is offering you full support of all that you want and need? But do you realize that you need to put action into this relationship?

Have you ever had the experience that all the signs are aligning? Have you ever felt that this was the perfect time to go where you have been wanting to go, have what you have longed for, or create what you have dared to dream of? Have you noticed signs around you? Songs on the radio that rally you? Conversations with friends that encourage you? Your higher self is celebrating and resonating and urging you on! These are all BIG signs from the Universe, from Source that the vibrations are alive and ready for you and your moment!

But it takes action on your part. It takes some faith, some courage, some forward movement to bring it into being! When we make that leap and set into motion the energies for our "GO" the Universe responds even further. Things begin to fall into place, challenges do not stop us but instead inspire us. Doors begin to open. Gifts begin to flow and our soul engages with all that these energies bring to our highest Self and to the equation.

We find within all these creative and generative waves a sense of peace as well. We are fulfilling what we have dreamed of and we are manifesting what we have longed for. This satisfies the body, mind and soul alike.

This action begins to impact the powers that surround us as well. Positive energies attract positive energies. People may join in your creative process and offer support. Receptivity will blossom where it once before was dormant. This positive shift of energy begins to affect everything around us.

Being awake to this moment in life is so vital to our being all we are meant to be. Watching for the signs, staying in connection to our soul, listening to the messages of the Universe are all important practices to bring to this journey. Our dreams, longings, and inner callings are there for a reason. Honoring them with our presence will be the key to having them become our reality! Are you ready?

Blessings, Lisa

Going Deeper


In this world of instant information, extensive possibilities and experts on nearly every given topic we have a treasure trove before us of sampling that we can partake in. Sometimes that is all we want or need. But then sometimes we seek more substance. We want a fully satisfying portion of experience, wisdom or inspiration to play and explore in.

Knowing when to go deeper to gain the fullness of what is offered to us is an important life lesson. Yes, sometimes less is more. But not always. Sometimes these offer quick fixes that do not manifest. Sometimes these offer relief that does not last. Sometimes these offer experiences that fall short. Depth is needed.

It is easy to hop and jump from one lily pad to another in this pool of possibilities. We skim the surface. We are gathering tidbits of information that really don't carry us very far. Our soul is left seeking more. Our energy becomes depleted. We realize this is not going to be the necessary path to follow for our personal growth. We are only visiting, not setting down roots in order to thrive and flourish.

For us to manifest change in our life and to expand we need to understand more fully the work we are undertaking. We need to deeply tap into our soul's energies. We need to reach further than the surface. This takes time. The quick fix is not an option. This means change. Doing things the same way over and over again only leads us to the same results. It also means allowing time for taking chances, which could mean different approaches, different successes and failures and time for pause. Contemplating what we are learning is equally important as the actions we are taking.

Jumping from one technique to the next, one lily pad to the next or even one pool of knowledge to the next does not give our body, mind and soul the needed time to integrate the fullness. We are only allowed a sample. We walk away feeling unprepared, unsure, anxious or confused. Every part of our being will benefit if we slow down and go deeper to what calls to us, what is inspiring us, and what is challenging us. That is where we will find our personal growth and evolution.

It is often not enough to splash around in the shallow end, although it can be fun. But when it comes to moving on our personal path, finding our authentic truth, exploring who we are and where we are going we need to take a deeper plunge. We need to find the motivation to stick with it. We need to commit to a longer time frame and value the complexity it may bring us. As with most things in life, quick fixes have short durations, small experiences don't satisfy and insufficiency of anything leads us to feeling weak, dissatisfied and incomplete. Going deeper provides us with the opportunity to be fully present, immersed and full.

Blessings, Lisa

Finding Presence in Solitude


A day to myself! A rare thing in my life, but so valued. My husband and youngest son went to ski with our oldest son three hours from home. A full day to myself! What a treasure! What a treat! What to do?

I spent the morning preparing for a visit from a mentee later this week. She will be flying in from Hawaii and staying for a several days. We have so many delightful plans. I organized, gathered, grouped and prepared. I took great delight in making the space she will call home while here filled with beauty and comfort. I cleaned and primped the space. Washing the warmest of flannel sheets for her, knowing the New England temperature will feel fierce to her heat loving body. I set out candles and crystals to call in positive energies and peaceful moments. I gathered books to share, items to discuss, and mapped out activities we are so looking forward to doing together. The morning was quickly over as I delighted in my arrangements made for her visit. There was wondrous anticipation present in the joyful planning.

After a quiet lunch and a pot of Dragon's Well tea I read. Three whole uninterrupted chapters! I got lost in the pages, took notes, paused and re-read paragraphs and enjoyed the author's voice and vision. I then turned to my journal to capture my thoughts on what I had read and what inspirations were created. Curled up under an afghan with a cat sleeping on my feet, we both purred the early afternoon away. I felt connected to my soulful presence and my thoughts.

Later in the day I caught up on email and friend's messages. I looked up a few recipes for my mentee's visit. I then took stock of ingredients I had on hand and those I would need. I shared an hour long call with one of my daughters, exchanging thoughts about this and that and lots of laughter in between, missing her presence but feeling her essence through the phone lines.

As the quiet of the late afternoon descended I went into sacred space. It was there that I brought my presence and attention to next. I reflected deeply upon the past year and all its unfoldings. I looked inward to the ways in which I have expanded. I remembered the release of so many different aspects, beliefs and ways that were not serving me and realized that they were no longer missed. I appreciated those who are in my life, sharing of themselves, adding to my days, celebrating with me, challenging me, inspiring me and witnessing me and my work. I offered gratitude to the many ways in which Source allows me to connect, shows me light in the darkness, offers moments of encouragement and calls me further and deeper still. I wondered at the many possibilities that I have been exploring and felt a deep peace settle within me as I realized, whatever direction I choose, I will receive what I need from it, I will learn and grow in it and I will find beauty there as well.

After a simple dinner and a quick phone call from the men telling me they were heading home after a full day of skiing and male bonding, I found more presence. I sat looking out into the night sky. The full moon of yesterday, just a sliver shy. The gray sky of the day now filled with stars. The snow seeming to glow from the moonlight, with shadows of bare branched trees stretching over it. My heart and soul overflowing with the day's gifts and gentleness.

A day of solitude, full, varied and all mine. I brought my presence to each part of the day, finding in the layers much for me to honor. The abundance found, the gifts, the wonder, the reflections and the pause all swaddled me in a comfort much needed. It is a gentle reminder to me that days like today are a special necessity. Bringing presence in all its beautiful forms to my life allows me to step into the wholeness of my life and to feel my evolving truth in all its places.

Blessings, Lisa