Ready, Set, GO!

How do you go for it? Do you embrace the beautiful truth that the Universe is offering you full support of all that you want and need? But do you realize that you need to put action into this relationship?

Have you ever had the experience that all the signs are aligning? Have you ever felt that this was the perfect time to go where you have been wanting to go, have what you have longed for, or create what you have dared to dream of? Have you noticed signs around you? Songs on the radio that rally you? Conversations with friends that encourage you? Your higher self is celebrating and resonating and urging you on! These are all BIG signs from the Universe, from Source that the vibrations are alive and ready for you and your moment!

But it takes action on your part. It takes some faith, some courage, some forward movement to bring it into being! When we make that leap and set into motion the energies for our "GO" the Universe responds even further. Things begin to fall into place, challenges do not stop us but instead inspire us. Doors begin to open. Gifts begin to flow and our soul engages with all that these energies bring to our highest Self and to the equation.

We find within all these creative and generative waves a sense of peace as well. We are fulfilling what we have dreamed of and we are manifesting what we have longed for. This satisfies the body, mind and soul alike.

This action begins to impact the powers that surround us as well. Positive energies attract positive energies. People may join in your creative process and offer support. Receptivity will blossom where it once before was dormant. This positive shift of energy begins to affect everything around us.

Being awake to this moment in life is so vital to our being all we are meant to be. Watching for the signs, staying in connection to our soul, listening to the messages of the Universe are all important practices to bring to this journey. Our dreams, longings, and inner callings are there for a reason. Honoring them with our presence will be the key to having them become our reality! Are you ready?

Blessings, Lisa

You Are All

Can you really accept that you are complete? Can you lean into the truth that everything you need you already have? Can you trust that where you are is exactly where you are meant to be, right here, right now?

It is sometimes hard to embrace this. Especially when we are struggling or lacking. It is a challenge to believe this when we feel inadequate or become impatient. It is almost unbearable when we are in pain or lost. Yet, it remains a fact.

We are who we are, in this moment, exactly who we are meant to be. We are not a practice version of ourselves. We are not a prototype. We are not a sample. We are not a version to be improved upon. We are who we are whole and complete and on our way to the next moment, place and time.

Embracing this can bring a grace and peace to our mind. It adds a sense of contentment in owning the moment and our place in it. We stop looking into the past at what we may have left behind or missed. We stop projecting to the future longing for what may be. We live this very moment fully. We stand still, we bring our awareness, we observe, breathe and take it all in.

Sometimes we may be present with pain; taking in the energy of loss or unknown, learning from it and then releasing what we no longer need. Sometimes we are present with celebration; and feel the joy and delight flow through us, relishing the beauty of the moment. The spectrum that each moment in life brings us is wide and varied, yet the moment of now is a space we all can hold and be fully present in. We all start from this point, where we are currently and move forward from there. When we accept this we open the door to inspiration and our creative energies awaken our soul. With that we expand into our truth and our beauty.

Blessings, Lisa

Plug In Your Soul

Your soul thrives in connections. Think about the last time you were with a group of people who inspired you, challenged you and supported your expansion and growth. How brightly was your soul shining? Remember the last time you had your breath taken away by the beauty of nature. How full was your soul? Think back to a time when you felt love, deep compassion, grab a hold of your heart love that flowed through your veins and filled your heart. Remember how present your soul was?

This is how you experience your soul in our life. It steps up when you are plugged in and fully present. Each of those situations I shared above would have you fully aware, very present and awake. Your soul would be as well!

It loves connection because you then bring your attention to your words, your actions and your dreams. You are invested. You are ready to grow. You are willing to release. You are fully in your truth and open to the possibilities of life.

There is little room for ego when soul is present. The essence of you becomes filled with love, peace, grace, truth, wonder and more. Soul soaks up these energies. It uses these vibrations to propel us onto the next rung of the ladder, the next dream to manifest, and the next moment to embrace. You become more and more of who you are!

Knowing this about your soul allows you to take a step back and assess your life. Are you taking good measures to feed your soul? Are you in good company? Are you doing things that you are passionate about? Are you creating space to pause and reflect? Honoring your soul takes commitment and conscious awareness. It requires you to show up and be present. It means you keep your eye open for the beauty in life.

How will you nurture your soul today? What will you plug it into?

Blessings, Lisa

Within the Deep

There is a remembrance that my soul holds onto with a fierceness unlike any I have known before. It grasps the essence tightly in a hold that is made of steel and forged with my passion's fire. It is a memory that lives deep within me. It resides so deep that the everyday forces of living this human life cannot even reach it. My ego knows not the map to find it. It has safely found the cave of my authenticity and truth.

This deep soul memory was born in the life time of my ancestors. It was carved from the lava that flows through my veins and down into the roots of the Mother. This deep authentic tale is woven in the strands of my DNA and also courses through the scattered stardust of the galaxies.

This river of remembrance cascades through me and carries with it the energies that have been passed on to my soul by the guides, the angels, the spirits of my story. My mythic heroine stands at the shore calling me onward.

My soul whispers in my dreams these memories and the images come to life for me to engage with in the realms of my strengths and the worlds of my powers. The beauty of their magic unfurls in the wind of my soul and releases the perfumed essence of the deep unforgotten scent of my life force; the very breath of my dragons and the smokey ash of my fires.

Within the deep recesses of who I am lives the call of who I am and I steep myself within its juices daily. I take long languid sips and fill my soul's belly with its nourishing tonic. It is here in the deep that I find all that I truly need and I bring it up to the surface, into the light of this lifetime and live it to fullness, with abandon and great acceptance of all the potential it offers.

Blessings, Lisa