You Are All

Can you really accept that you are complete? Can you lean into the truth that everything you need you already have? Can you trust that where you are is exactly where you are meant to be, right here, right now?

It is sometimes hard to embrace this. Especially when we are struggling or lacking. It is a challenge to believe this when we feel inadequate or become impatient. It is almost unbearable when we are in pain or lost. Yet, it remains a fact.

We are who we are, in this moment, exactly who we are meant to be. We are not a practice version of ourselves. We are not a prototype. We are not a sample. We are not a version to be improved upon. We are who we are whole and complete and on our way to the next moment, place and time.

Embracing this can bring a grace and peace to our mind. It adds a sense of contentment in owning the moment and our place in it. We stop looking into the past at what we may have left behind or missed. We stop projecting to the future longing for what may be. We live this very moment fully. We stand still, we bring our awareness, we observe, breathe and take it all in.

Sometimes we may be present with pain; taking in the energy of loss or unknown, learning from it and then releasing what we no longer need. Sometimes we are present with celebration; and feel the joy and delight flow through us, relishing the beauty of the moment. The spectrum that each moment in life brings us is wide and varied, yet the moment of now is a space we all can hold and be fully present in. We all start from this point, where we are currently and move forward from there. When we accept this we open the door to inspiration and our creative energies awaken our soul. With that we expand into our truth and our beauty.

Blessings, Lisa