Within the Simplicity Greatness Is Found

I have long done a simple act that keeps me connected on a very conscious level with the energies of those around me. In a recent conversation with a client I was reminded that many do not have this interconnectedness in their lives.

Each day I spend a few moments recognizing both in my heart and mind those that I am connected to daily, face to face. I picture in my mind's eye family and friends, pets and local animals that visit my life, all those who cross my path regularly. Then I picture those who I have in my life daily that I do not see face to face, but certainly interact with regularly. All my friends on social media, relatives and friends that live at a distance, teachers and mentors, students and clients. To this I then recall those who I interact with that no longer live in this realm. I often will converse in my heart and soul with loved ones who have crossed over, to my spirit guides and angels, my guardians and soul friends. From here I go to all those who I do not personally know, but certainly am connected to. I recall the farmers who have grown the food I honor my body with, the artisans who have created treasures in my home that I cherish, the authors of books that I love, and the potter who crafted the tea cup I drink from daily. Each connection adding energies and gifts to my life.

From here I extend my connections even further. Out to the beautiful sun that shines upon the plants that produce my food, the rain, the wind, the rich soil. I connect to the energies of the Universe that cradles this wondrous Earth and so on.

In a mere few minutes each day this simple act of weaving my thoughts and energies together with the energies and offerings of all the touches my life brings a tremendous acknowledgement of the interconnectedness my life has with others. As I breathe this in a beautiful flow of gratitude envelopes me. My heart expands with a love of life and others. My soul sings in the rich resource of all this beauty, vibrancy and wonder.

It takes a mere few minutes, a cup of tea, a stroll around the yard, or a few moments standing at the stove stirring the pot of soup I am preparing for dinner. I send out with each breath gratitude. I breathe in all the vibrations of connection that are present. Prayers of well being form in my mind and travel through my soul. And in this gentleness I find simple abundance. For within this simple act so much greatness is found!

Blessings, Lisa

And the Earth Breathes...

On a recent visit to Colorado I found myself Earth living. I walked among Her rolling hills. I witnessed Her miraculous beauty. I listened as She breathed. And my soul soared.

We find our days often spent behind walls and doors. Many only step outside to go from one building to the next. For some getting out in nature is a rare or special occurrence. For others it is beyond their comfort zone.

For me, being out on the Earth connects me to my inner light. I feel more alive, awake and aware. My senses heighten. My smile broadens. My feet seem to dance beneath me. I become lost in time and space as I take in the  landscape that surrounds me with wonder and awe.

My inner child steps forward and delights in the salamander who has slipped beneath the rock. My spirit beckons me to sit and pause upon the glorious bolder before me and take in the wonder of the clouds drifting above.

It is with ancient voice that my soul speaks to the deer who pauses upon the path before me and looks deep into my eyes before she darts away to feed in the valley below. I don't want the day to end or the wonder to cease.

I look upon the rainbow arching across the sky with such joy, as though it is the first I have ever witnessed. It will never grow old. I will always be an Earth child. In my 50+ years I have carried this trait within me and shared it with family and friends. Apparently it is contagious for I see the cloak of the trappings of being indoors is quickly discarded and the freedom of the call of nature responded to with ease.

Upon the mountaintop I will build my forever home. My neighbors will be Elk, Hawk, Deer and others. Together, each day, we will celebrate the gifts, the wonders and the beauty. I will take on the stewardship of honoring and care taking with tremendous responsibility. I will gaze upon the Aspen groves and listen closely to the mysteries and messages as the Earth breathes.

Blessings, Lisa

Have You Forgotten


Have you forgotten how to dream? How to call in the images that delight your soul, how to dance with the ones who add joy to each step? Have you forgotten the faces of those who love you to your core? Have you forgotten their whispers that they spoke in your ear as you were born of your greatness and vibrancy that you bring to this earth? Have you hidden in your shadows afraid of your brightness and unsure of your purpose? Have you stepped aside from your passions and found yourself lost in the trappings of the demands of others?

How do we find ourselves? How do we reconnect? How do we dance again? How do we burn brighter than the stars and find our power within? No one said it is easy. No one has the answers? They are all within you, waiting for you to uncover them, to peel back the shadowy veils they are hidden in. They are in the eyes of those who love you and in the embraces of those who care. Their power to carry you forward is in the prayers and energies, the vibrations and simple moments that catch you by surprise.

Finding your way, finding your truth, recognizing your story and putting action into its unfolding is available to you. One small step at a time; in one simple moment of self trust. Each time you do this you move closer and closer to all that awaits you. The more you welcome into your life those who believe in you, those who really see you, those that are honored to witness you...the more support and celebration you welcome as well. This helps put speed and steadfast focus at your heals as you move forward.

Ask yourself, "What have I forgotten?" Listen closely to what your soul replies. Sit with it, feel it, embrace it and then ask the next question that bubbles up. Put action into your answers. Seek support? Remember patience and gentleness. Encourage faith and wise risk taking. Bravely move from where you are now to where you can be next. Honor each effort and love yourself through each challenge. Be true to you and begin again to remember.

Blessings, Lisa

Loss of Land Brings on Flood

Life has its disappointments. People let you down, circumstances do not lead you to your hopes and dreams, other's make choices that don't align with yours and so on. How do you roll with the energies that rise up from this place of loss? The way in which you respond can either help you find your way through or find you in a undertow that will cause you tremendous struggle. In a recent loss of a hoped for land to build our homestead on, I found myself in a flood of feelings to swim through.

While I try to live a life without expectations, it is not always easy. Our passions and our dreams often bring us to a place in life where we are filled with anticipation. All is well, if the next sequence of events unfolds in the way or at least somewhat like what you hoped for. But when they don't we find ourselves feeling a bit lost, maybe feeling a little empty or sad and trying to figure out what is next.

When this happens, I try to give myself time for pause. I need to be present with my feelings, rather than stuff them or ignore them. In the past, when I would do this, they would only surface once again, a bit later, often during a very inconvenient time, bringing with them a fury of energies that was disproportionate to what they originally were. Quite a mess to mop up. Eventually, I figured out I could save myself a good deal of clean up if I would just give them room right at the beginning of their bubbling forth.

Sitting in this place of pause I can grieve if I need to. I can also allow the disappointment to rise up and then release it. I don't hold onto it begrudgingly. I don't fester over it. And with time, I can look beyond. That is the beauty of feelings, they come and go, if we allow them to.

I picture myself riding the waves, rising and falling, sinking and surfacing, but always able to walk out of the waters of emotions. They are an important part of who I am, but they do not define me or control me.

Each time I can do this, I find a new depth has been reached within. I find a better understanding of who I am, why I do what I do, how I can evolve and where I am stretched. What a tremendous gift! Life brings us to these places for a reason. We may not always know why, but surely it serves us to be fuller, more aware, and closer to our truth.

So when disappointment washes over you, do not run and hide. Allow the shower to wash over you. Seek cover to wait it out. Pause and be. Feel and release. Open your heart and soul to the truth as it unfolds and embrace the gifts to be found there.

Blessings, Lisa