Food for the Soul

I often notice that whenever someone I care about is suffering self-care has fallen by the wayside. I notice that getting a good night's sleep, some kind of exercise or body movement, making healthy choices in food and doing something that they enjoy and brings them pleasure are not even considered. I also notice that these are the very same things that people lose sight of when they become too busy.

We live in a society that is success driven. We are often seeking happiness. Almost any conversation can lead to beauty or health. And yet, we don't seem to understand the connection, or perhaps it is the disconnect, of nurturing the body, mind and soul.

Years ago, I had a professor who shared with me his belief that in order for someone to truly feel whole, to experience well being and to obtain happiness they needed to tend to the needs of the body, mind and the soul, not just one or two, but all three together. Leaving any one of these unattended would prevent fulfillment and one would always feel something was lacking.

You don't have to look to far to find ways to nurture your body. There are plenty of resources that will enlighten you to what your body needs to obtain the just right weight, activity and rest. Additionally, there are so many options one can chose to help bring rest to the mind, positivity to the thoughts, challenges to expand and keep alive the brain and distraction to relieve stressful thoughts.

But often we struggle with finding what it is we need to feed our soul. What satisfies it? What delights it? What gives it pause to rest? How do we engage with it on a daily basis and tend to its needs? For each of us there are different answers to these questions. But, just asking the questions is part of the honoring. Be assured the answers will come in time.

There are some "tools" that I have found that help me uncover my soul's needs. Nature is the perfect environment. There is something about taking a hike or sitting beneath a tree or swinging in a hammock that unlocks the door the conversation with the Universe. Here I am able to entertain the ideas that bubble up of what I need or long for, what delights me and how can I find ways to invite this into my day.

Writing in a journal often gives my soul voice. Slowly the words come together to explore the possibilities of what I could do with my free time or what my spiritual practice desires. Within the lines of my journal I begin to see a pattern forming and the solution to my situation presents itself and I am able to manifest something of value.

Taking the time to nurture our soul is as equally important as the time we spend taking care of our body's needs and our mind's thoughts. This time spent will enrich our day and our spiritual practice. It will help us feel more and more whole, happy and full. The balance becomes complete and the world responds in kind with more and more possibilities for us to embrace to maintain our well being.

Blessings, Lisa

In The Arms Of The Mother

Unfortunately, much of my work keeps me indoors. But I make it a point to step outside each day and be embraced by the arms of the Mother. It is good for me on so many levels. I think too many people today rush from home, to work and then back home again without noting the beauty that surrounds them. Our modern lives keeps us so busy that many feel that they have no time to be outside; this has somehow become a luxury or a choice that can’t be made do to the circumstances of our busy lives.

If I were to choose this way, I would become very disconnected from the earth. I committed to making this a “have to” in my day. And, within a very short period of time, I discovered it became a “want to” and then a “need to”. When I step outside I connect with the energies of most of the elements. Earth grounds me, Air breathes new life into me and awakens me, the Fire of the Sun warms me and sparks my passions alive, and if there is rain or even Water nearby, I am reminded to go with the flow. I connect with all the other living beings around me. I listen to the birds, follow the squirrel as she moves about her day and delight in the dragonfly that flits from branch to branch in iridescent wonder. I celebrate that I am a part of this vast universe and all the energies of it.

I believe I am so powerfully drawn to be out in Nature because I am meant to be in it regularly. I find time to pause and remember all these parts of myself. I seek the beauty and the energies held there to heal me, to restore my balance and to delight me. All of my senses engage with the gifts of the Mother and I need Her medicine to be whole, vibrant and awake.

My soul seeks nourishment from my time spent in Nature. It finds its natural rhythm. It revives itself. It taps into creative energies that surround it. When I do this I feel my perspective shifts. When I go outside I find my energy level becomes exactly what I need at the time. Sometimes it helps me to release negativity that is only dragging me down. Sometimes it invigorates me and energizes me on a whole new level. And then there are the times it calms me and grounds me to stillness and presence.

Take some time today to bring your body outdoors. Try to be mindful of what you are experiencing. Breathe in the energies. Awaken your senses. Allow your soul to delight. You won’t be disappointed, but instead you will be brought to a beautiful place of wonder and recharge.

Blessings, Lisa


The Gift of Slowing Down

I live in Connecticut and we are on the back end of the big storm, Blizzard of 2015. While it did not impact us as badly as the weather people had forecast we surely got our share of snow, at least a foot or more, and the high winds that howled through the night.

Upon waking this morning, the beauty that awaited me outside was breathtaking. And my soul soared at the thought of a unquestionable slow day. Obviously Mother Nature had gifted me with this delight. With no cars allowed on Connecticut roads, the driveway with drifts rising to three feet and the snow still coming down I headed back to the warmth of a hot cup of coffee and got ready to settle in.

Most days, life is full and busy. While I pay close attention to the natural rhythms of my day and my life, there is a certain outer influence that is dictated by schedules, clients, calendars and the like. But today, all that is placed aside.

Today will be a day of a long walk in the silence that freshly fallen snow brings. Today will be the chance to sit by the fire, favorite book in hand and cat curled at my feet. Today will be hot soup for lunch with fresh corn bread from the oven.

Today will also be a day of reflection. A beautiful opportunity to bring my focus on the moment. To bring deliberate intention to what I am engaged in this winter season. It will be a day to pause and really appreciate the abundance in my life, the beauty that surrounds me and to bring calming energies to my intentions and dreams.

Blessings, Lisa

The Call Of The Wild

Have you ever awoken and burrowed under your covers only to be summoned forth by the sweet melodies of the birds outside your window? Have you ever opened that window and felt the gentle stirrings of the breeze through your hair and were tickled with delight? Have you ever followed that breeze to the fragrance of the flowers within it out to the garden below? Oh, how our body and soul responds to the touch of Nature.

The innate wisdom of our Being knows that there is tremendous healing to be found in the embrace of Nature. She beckons us to join Her. To break away from the chaos and routine of our day and step into Her timelessness.

She wants for us to breathe deeply. She encourages us to ground ourselves as we walk barefoot in the dewy grass. She places before us sights, sounds, sensations and smells to remind us of our universal connectedness. All this helps us to release what we have been lugging about day in and day along our path, that no longer serves us or can be put aside during this time of gentle healing.

It is here that we nourish our soul. It is here where we remember who we are. It is here that we find our rhythm again. It is here that we connect with the energies of all and find our inner light longs to shine brightly and our soul delights in the beauty that surrounds us.

We instinctively know that the call of Nature is meant to be answered. We know how good it is for us and how powerful its healing is. The next time you hear it, step forward and answer with great joy and awaken the beauty of YOU that is waiting.

Blessings, Lisa