After the Yes!

So you have said yes to the Universe! Congratulations. Let the fun unfold! Now you will find that all that crosses your path has meaning and impact on how you unfold, what you decide and how you engage. Now you will see things differently and from a amazing new perspective. The horizon of your life's path has forever changed.

Your "No" will be limited now, as it will only be used for boundary setting, preventing energy manipulation and in seeking balance. You will no longer say no to things you don't like or feel like dealing with, because the wisdom of your yes is ready to embrace the lessons. You no longer are allowing your fear to keep you small with your "No" of insecurity.

You are ready to converse with the Universe. You are ready to give your soul voice. You are engaged and present, singing, dancing, honoring and witnessing. Your "Yes" rings out among the stars, echos through the mountains, dives deep into the seas and fans the fires of the Gods.

Your "Yes" awakens your trust of self. It sits beside your authentic truth. Your "Yes" clearly states that you are willing to flex with, to learn about and to release what is needed. Your "Yes" requires you to step aside and move out of your way. Your "Yes" tells your ego to relax about the change, that change is inevitable and beautiful and alive.

Your "Yes" opens the doors to the energies that flow to you and through you. Yes means that your awareness will be heightened and brilliant. Yes means you are willing to make mistakes, to play and explore, to pause and rest and to go deep and wide. Your "Yes" will become a way of life for you and you will one day look back and find it difficult to remember any other way!

Blessings, Lisa

Silently Changing

After a recent conversation with a client I found myself reflecting on the different ways in which change enters our lives. It can run the spectrum from chaotic and loud to subtle and silent. I think there are times when we are in the place of silent change that we wonder if anything is happening at all. I think there are times when we worry we are stalled, not doing enough, lost or failing to move forward. But more often than not, great change is happening in the many layers that make us who we are, but in a very gentle and quiet sort of way.

So much of our changes in life require us to take action. We ponder what we need to embrace, what we need to release, what we are calling into our live or who we should interact with. But then there are those times when change seems to occur without little to no action taken by us. We are often awestruck. Did this change just gracefully move through our path and surround us?

The miracle of change occurs on so many levels. Our egoic self believes that we are the main cause of the active unfolding of our days, yet on a soul level the energies are in a continuum of shift, ebb and flow. It is in these realms that our thoughts do not need to interfere, our clumsy actions do not get in the way and our authentic truth steps forward to manifest what is needed next. There is magic in the silent changes as the Universe responds to our needs.

The power in this silent change comes from our trusting. Learning to let go of control and expectations. Being willing to trust in our guides, our connection to Source and our innate wisdom. Silently these beautiful powers are not in need of our intellectual direction as they are guided by our truths, our passions, our callings and our higher self.

So the next time you are wondering why there seems to be a lull. Relax, trust, and wait. Silently, within the wondrous layers that make you YOU, there is plenty happening. And all of it is bringing you to the exact place in time that aligns all that needs to be for you to make the most of your life and you truth.

Blessings, Lisa

The Soul's Exploration

How do you approach your life? Are you in continual questioning mode? Are you always seeking to advance? Looking to change? Wanting more? Yes, this can definitely be a part of our soul expansion. But there is another side to approaching life.

Soul exploration often happens during a time of pause and reflection. What if we took the time exploring our soul's needs, desires and passions? What would we find? Many times people don't spend enough time in the pause. They forget how important it is to check in, to see what has shifted, what has awakened or what is no longer?

When we break from our daily routine and step into this wondrous place of solitude, quiet and consideration we fine that our soul is so ready to engage with us. It wants for us to feed it more, to embrace wider, to release and finally let go and to dig deeper. Doing this helps our soul bring our purpose closer and closer our way.

Life has the option to be fuller, if we are aware and willing to explore. It is a process. It is not an overnight accomplishment. Sometimes it is best for us to spend a few moments each day in this exploration. Sometimes retreating from our daily tasks and setting aside a day, a weekend, or even a week to really mull over, entertain and wonder is the perfect fit for the exploration.

The more willing we are to look at what our soul has to offer us, the more involved we become in our spiritual practice and our dance in life. We find that we feel connected in a positive and passionate way. We notice our perspective shift. Our vision sharpens. Our words may soften or become more powerful. Our dreams become alive and obtainable. Our relationships become dearer and more meaningful.

When we explore with our soul we remember who we really are. We fall in love with our Self. We bring appreciation for the blessings in our life and we see the possibilities in places that beforehand were closed doors and boring avenues. Life is good, and it can be even better. We just need to be mindful that engaging with our soul is often where we find the brightest spark.

Blessings, Lisa

What I Found In The Preparation

In just a couple of days the doors to my home will open wide and be ready to embrace. It shall be filled with the laughter of soul sisters. Several women gathering from across the states and Canada to have a few brilliant and rich days together. During this time we will celebrate, we will honor, we will learn and we will explore. There will be releasing and healing. There will be witnessing and allowing. There will be connection and awakening. During the three days time we will share together our souls and combine energies. Our hands will be busy making shamanic tools. Our bellies will be filled with delicious homemade meals of nurture and comfort. Our minds will be delighted as stories are shared. And our bodies will be flowing with vibrant energies.

In these days proceeding our gathering, I am in preparation. There are linens to be collected. Supplies to be laid out. Food to be made. And space to be created. The busy-ness fills my days with delightful anticipation. I love these gatherings. My soul is singing.

Within all this preparation I find myself counting. I count the many blessings these women bring to my life. I count the number of times we have told one another that we simply cannot wait; feeling childlike and giddy with excitement. I count the offerings that I will be sharing, each designed with at least one of the women in mind. I find in the preparations a wondrous caring that fills my soul as I choose the just right plates and bowls for our feasts and as I lay out throws of jewel toned colors for the autumnal chill that is in the air. As I  choose the candles to be lit I think of the light in each of these precious relationships that I share.

Preparing for gatherings, to me, is like a gentle unfolding ritual. I fill each act with gratitude. I plan with anticipation of bringing pleasure and delight. I look for ways to ensure comfort and ease. As I prepare, I listen to my soul as it suggests, guides and reminds me of all the little nuances of each relationship and how to highlight the parts that I cherish the most.

One can get caught up in preparations. It has happened to me in the past, stressing if there will be enough, worrying over the timing, concern for what may not go accordingly. But I have learned that if I prepare with loving intentions then all flows as it should. The tone becomes set, just as the feasting table, with delicious presentations of my love and admiration of all. The "work" becomes acts of loving appreciation. There is little I am not doing with joy and consideration.

How do you prepare for your events and gatherings. What intentions do you bring to the hustle and bustle in the days beforehand? How do you hold the energies in your heart of what you hope for and what you expect? What I have found in the preparations is that there is greatness in the smallest of details and wonder in the gathering and placement. These energies are the ones I choose to embrace. Letting go of any stress or any worries and instead dancing with the energetic flow that radiates from the loving care.

Blessings, Lisa