Do You Share?


We raise our children telling them that it is nice to share. Yet, when it comes to our gifts in adulthood, many turn to self preserving of their gifts instead of sharing them. Do you hoard your gifts and blessings, saving them for a day of need?

We worry about being deprived or being taken advantage of. But that truly has nothing to do with the willingness to share. Being taken advantage of has to do with not have strong boundaries and clear intentions. Fear of deprivation causes us to disengage and pull back.

Our soul does not flourish in that fear. It does not shine brightly when it is hiding or in isolation. We begin to feel even more fearful, alone and disconnected. Our inner flame grows smaller and smaller and our essence feels weaker.

When we hoard our gifts, whether they be of love, guidance, support, wisdom, insight, healing, energy or the like, we hold this belief that we will be richer for not spreading them too thin. Yet the truth is the more we share these the richer we and the world around us becomes.

Sharing our gifts, allowing them to ripple out, not only is how it is intended by Source for it to be, but it also is quite generative. The best way to increase the blessings within your life is to share. The surest way to feel abundance is to give. The wisest way to live is by offering freely.

Our soul will expand in its fullness as we embrace this truth. Others will see our model and join in with the sharing. The Universe will celebrate as the connection of this generosity spreads from heart to heart and soul to soul.

This act creates inspiration. It births energies that are creative in nature and responsive to need and necessity. This practice of sharing brings into play our deepest truth. It opens the door to a world where connection to others blesses our life. It sheds light onto the service we can bring to our path and it causes the vital force of the nature of our soul's harmony to align with that of others. What will you share with the world today?

Blessings, Lisa

You Are All

Can you really accept that you are complete? Can you lean into the truth that everything you need you already have? Can you trust that where you are is exactly where you are meant to be, right here, right now?

It is sometimes hard to embrace this. Especially when we are struggling or lacking. It is a challenge to believe this when we feel inadequate or become impatient. It is almost unbearable when we are in pain or lost. Yet, it remains a fact.

We are who we are, in this moment, exactly who we are meant to be. We are not a practice version of ourselves. We are not a prototype. We are not a sample. We are not a version to be improved upon. We are who we are whole and complete and on our way to the next moment, place and time.

Embracing this can bring a grace and peace to our mind. It adds a sense of contentment in owning the moment and our place in it. We stop looking into the past at what we may have left behind or missed. We stop projecting to the future longing for what may be. We live this very moment fully. We stand still, we bring our awareness, we observe, breathe and take it all in.

Sometimes we may be present with pain; taking in the energy of loss or unknown, learning from it and then releasing what we no longer need. Sometimes we are present with celebration; and feel the joy and delight flow through us, relishing the beauty of the moment. The spectrum that each moment in life brings us is wide and varied, yet the moment of now is a space we all can hold and be fully present in. We all start from this point, where we are currently and move forward from there. When we accept this we open the door to inspiration and our creative energies awaken our soul. With that we expand into our truth and our beauty.

Blessings, Lisa

Your Comfort Zone

No, I am not going to talk today about stretching yourself, or reaching further, or raising the bar or even embracing the challenge. Today I am going to talk about creating a soft place for you to land. Today I am going to share the powerful gift you can give yourself by creating a very personalized comfort zone.

We all need a place to settle back into. We long for those days where there is little on the "to do" list. Sometimes we need to pause, reflect, rest and refuel. There is no shame in this. It is a need. It is vital to our balance and to our beauty in life.

So if we can accept this without harsh self criticism or judgement, why not really get creative? What does your comfort zone look like? Is it indoors or out? Maybe you have both? Take the time to talk to your body and soul. What is needed? Are there colors that you resonate with? How about certain scents? Maybe you need plant life surrounding you?

Perhaps it needs to be dark and candle lit, or wide open windows that let the breeze and day's light in. Each of us is so exquisitely unique and so too should our comfort places be. Daydream on this for a while. What would the perfect soft landing, body resting, heart satisfying, mind releasing, tension taming, soul celebrating place look like?

Now the fun begins. How can you create this in some way? Pillows? Candles? Veils of sheer scarves? Chimes? Lush green plants? Scents and perfumes? Music? Bouquets of flowers? What delights you? What colors, what shapes, what textures, what elements? Dream big!

Now go about choosing a location for this in your home. A corner of a room or a spot in your yard? It is up to you and your needs and desires. Intentionally creating this sacred place of comfort brings your essence and peaceful energies into it. Your grace flows through it. Your beauty decorates it.

Your body temple needs to be adored and honored. Who better to do this than you? Within this sacred comfort zone you will find rest and peace. You will breathe in inspiration. You will hear the longings of your soul. Here you will nurture yourself and rest. Here you will honor your body's needs. Within your personal retreat space you can find your balance, your center and awaken energies that are ready to be born.

Blessings, Lisa

Transitions of Self

Within the garden we learn that the death of last year's harvest often adds richness and makes room for this year's new growth. So it is the same with our Self. Sometimes a part of us needs to die to allow for another part to come alive! It does not mean that it will be painless or comfortable, even though we may understand it is necessary.

Learning to be aware of the messages from your body, mind and soul can help you in preparation. Often times there will be an unsettling of energies, a dip in emotions, a hunger in the soul or a confusion of our plans that tips us off that a change is brewing. We go through these shifts throughout our lifetime. Some may have been more obvious. The angst of adolescence is a perfect example. But also, for anyone who has given birth, there is that nesting and preparatory period before the birth where we purge and organize and make room for the soon to be child.

We can look back to previous relationships as well for clues to how we receive our messages. The changes that happen on the surface are good indicators that there is much shifting within us; usually in our heart and soul. Feelings of being restricted, trapped, unhappy are sometimes flags of an ending. But also make note of feelings of longing for expansion, looking to the future and more can mean that this part of the relationship is ready to relinquish to a new and more expansive part of either that relationship or another.

When we let go of a part of our Self and open up to a new evolution we can feel some fear or exhilaration. Both can be normal and do not need to rule our day. We only need to be aware that they are there on the surface and that they are indicators that a change is about to occur. Similar to a flashing road sign. No need to slam on the brakes or put the pedal to the metal...just be aware. Maybe go a bit slower. Stay present and in tune with your surroundings; both physical and spiritual.

This is a natural process of life. Transitions exist everywhere that vitality exists! It is within the transition that the transformation happens. Life awakens and energies that no longer serve or are tired out can fall away. Focus can sharpen as we look to the new. Gratitude and understanding is present as we let go. We learn more and more about our Truth as we embrace the grace to be present with the transitional cycles of our Self.

Blessings, Lisa