Have You Forgotten


Have you forgotten how to dream? How to call in the images that delight your soul, how to dance with the ones who add joy to each step? Have you forgotten the faces of those who love you to your core? Have you forgotten their whispers that they spoke in your ear as you were born of your greatness and vibrancy that you bring to this earth? Have you hidden in your shadows afraid of your brightness and unsure of your purpose? Have you stepped aside from your passions and found yourself lost in the trappings of the demands of others?

How do we find ourselves? How do we reconnect? How do we dance again? How do we burn brighter than the stars and find our power within? No one said it is easy. No one has the answers? They are all within you, waiting for you to uncover them, to peel back the shadowy veils they are hidden in. They are in the eyes of those who love you and in the embraces of those who care. Their power to carry you forward is in the prayers and energies, the vibrations and simple moments that catch you by surprise.

Finding your way, finding your truth, recognizing your story and putting action into its unfolding is available to you. One small step at a time; in one simple moment of self trust. Each time you do this you move closer and closer to all that awaits you. The more you welcome into your life those who believe in you, those who really see you, those that are honored to witness you...the more support and celebration you welcome as well. This helps put speed and steadfast focus at your heals as you move forward.

Ask yourself, "What have I forgotten?" Listen closely to what your soul replies. Sit with it, feel it, embrace it and then ask the next question that bubbles up. Put action into your answers. Seek support? Remember patience and gentleness. Encourage faith and wise risk taking. Bravely move from where you are now to where you can be next. Honor each effort and love yourself through each challenge. Be true to you and begin again to remember.

Blessings, Lisa

The Guidance of Inner Wisdom

Unfortunately it is a challenge to go through life without having someone think that they know what is best for you and are insistent in sharing it. All the insights and concepts that they share will always, always pale in comparison to your inner wisdom. This is your most powerful resource. It is not found in books, in others' opinions, or online. It has been an abundant supply of knowing that resides within you that you can tap into as needed.

The important fact about this guidance that we all have is that in order for it get stronger and in order for us to be able to trust it, we have to use it. By using it we show that we value it and we begin to understand the ways in which it steps up to gain our recognition.

Inner wisdom does not care about what others think, what day of the week it is, how much money is involved, or how others are doing "it". Nor is it influenced by anything but what is true for you, in this moment, for your highest good, whatever that may be. Learning to lean into this inner wisdom and practice using it to guide you greatly impacts the choices you make and the direction your path takes us. It helps you stay in alignment with what is right for you, not playing catch up or comparison with others.

We all have this natural wisdom, though some are not willing to recognize it and others refuse to trust it. But for those who do, your inner consciousness will expand, your intuition will heighten, your personal power will grow and your self awareness will awaken. You will have conviction in your choices. You will bring truth to your actions. You will discover wonder in your ways. All this because you are now allowing this brilliant tool that you were born with guide you like no one else can. It is as though you are now holding hands with the Universe and you begin to see that all is as it should be and the beauty and joy to be found in that surrounds you.

Blessings, Lisa

The Talk Of Mothers and Daughters


Gloria Steinem once said, "Every time a woman passes a mirror and criticizes herself, there's a girl watching..." Often as a role model for the young women and girls in our life we feel powerless as we struggle with our own body issues and acceptance. Yet, we are not unaware of the impact we can have on her developing self-image.

The one thing I have learned over the years, whether it be in parenting my own daughters or in working with other women, is that our children see everything. So when we skip a meal, complain about our cellulite, compare and critique other women's bodies or say disrespectful comments about our own body, it is witnessed and taken in. These young girls watch us as we look in the mirror at our reflection, they hear us talking to others about our body dissatisfaction, they listen to how we receive compliments and are aware of how we feel about our bodies.

Knowing this, it is important the we recognize that we need to change the way we are responding to our thoughts and self talk. We need to remember that our daughters see themselves through the mirror of our eyes. What we draw attention to about them and their body sends very strong messages. What we show them we value, whether it be a certain size, an age, or a hair color for example, they begin to use as their value system. If physical appearance is important to us, it will be to them.

It means creating healthy boundaries between our own personal process with our body acceptance and what we say and how we react in these body standards. Positive self talk will be witnessed and embraced. Focus on other attributes that are not beauty related and have nothing to do with appearance, changes where you and she will place value.

It takes time, it takes awareness, but in order to change the pattern of repetitive low self-worth and body shame, we have to start somewhere. There will still be plenty of messages passed on to our daughters about their beauty and their body through media and peers, but if our conversations with them focus on all that makes them so wonderful and unique, things will begin to change. If we can model to them acceptance and grace with our body, celebration of how it serves us and appreciation of all body types, the message will be loud and clear.

So where to begin? For starters stop talking and talking and talking about the latest diet. Try to send good healthy messages about your body through words and activities. Stop the negative talk about your body or anyone else's. Listen to the way she talks about her body and have conversations with her to help her see it from a more positive perspective or to share why she feels that way. With making some of these changes in your relationship with your body and with your daughter, you will begin to see changes both in your body awareness and in her developing self-concept of her beauty and her body image.

To learn more about Body Image Coaching, visit me at www.womenwithinsight.com.

Release and Wonder Found In the Sky

A dear friend of mine always finds wonder in the sky. Her soul finds the most majestic energies, beautiful pictures and wondrous release there. Allowing your mind and soul rise to the clouds and release any tension is a beautiful meditative practice.

Cliches often result from truthful occurrences. "Having your head in the clouds" can mean that you are not fully present or have flighty ideas. But, that does not need to be viewed from a negative perspective. Perhaps you are intentionally not being fully present in the chaos or tasks of the day, but instead are fully aware of your other needs. And so laying back, eyes following a beautiful puffy cloud formation, feeling the gentle breeze and watching a bird dip and dive is the perfect fit. Perhaps those flighty ideas are ideal for your pause from problem solving and instead allows your imagination to come out to play and your stress to be carried away.

I find myself practicing this meditative release and delighting in the wonder I see in the sky more often these days. A mere five minutes of this activity rejuvenates my body, mind and soul. Tension leaves, creativity is inspired, thoughts become clearer and joy steps in.

There is much hustle and bustle in my life, but to rise above it, just like the clouds, is a very helpful practice. Creating this intentional contrast between all my day's have to's to a few moments of want to's is a very important act of self-care and a delightful gift.

So, the next time you feel a little overwhelmed, a bit tired or drained or even need some inspiration, look to the skies. Take a few moments to be present there and the rest will follow.

Blessings, Lisa