On The Day You Were Born


On the day you were born there was a powerful celebration. All the angels and guides surrounded your sweet new soul brought into this body. Together they gifted you with treasures to carry you through your life's journey.

One angel presented you with the gift of laughter so that lyrical delight would ring out from you. Another brought the gift of breath so that you could whisper wondrous words of support and breathe in all the delicious aromas and scents of this world. One guide gifted you with respect so that you could bring this into your relationships with all things and beings and have it mirrored back onto you. One angel shared the gift of fierceness, knowing you would need it at times to stand your ground.

On and on, one by one, the angels and guides stepped forward and showered you with gift after gift. Your little body glowed with the essence of them all; grace, vulnerability, wonder, passion, silliness, acceptance, joy, flexibility, determination, peace, resiliency, and insight. On and on into the first night of your little life they came, one after another, to be certain that you would be bestowed with all the unique gifts you would need to bless this world you were entering.

They knew of your greatness. They knew of your promise. They awaited your arrival and the celebration had begun. Together they gathered to cherish you and to honor the being you were and would become.

The final angel stepped forward and gave the very last gift they had brought. It was the gift of self-love. And it was said, "May she always use this gift wisely and generously, it is the spark that ignites the power of all the other gifts. It is the fire that will fuel them. It is the softness that will allow them to expand. It is the strength that will support them in times of need. This last gift is where the seeds of her true beauty will grow and flourish."

Blessings, Lisa

Transformation for the New Year


As the New Year approaches I find myself thinking, as I often do at this time of the year, of things I would like to transform in my life. I believe in miracles. I also believe in the power behind creative energies. And I know that when I combine these two aspects to ideas, situations, projects in my life...the results are often amazing!

Miracles are often found in the company of magic. Magic is found in the beauty that surrounds our days. Being aware, being open and flexible and being willing to explore options is a terrific recipe for creating what feels like a miracle in your life! Things begin to shift, people stop and take notice, others are drawn in to the beauty and wonder. Before you know it an ordinary has been transformed into an extraordinary!

Creative energies become more powerful when we remove our expectations and our boundaries. When we can envision a different color, explore a new format, be open to a fresh aspect the creative energies begin to bubble to the surface and pop with a vibrancy. They explode with possibilities. They shimmer with hope. And we begin to see new ways of being.

The most important aspect to all this transformation is a bit more practical. It takes commitment to be on the look out for these energies. It means being engaged in the fulfillment of our transformations. It means living in the moment so that our perceptions are awake to the change and our consciousness is aware of what to release and what to embrace. Life is continually in a process of letting go and creating newness. The more we engage in this relationship, the more we focus our energies into the gifts of transformation. Then the more our life is in tune with creative miracles and wondrous opportunities.

Blessings, Lisa

To Be Happy


I posted earlier today a Tedx video of a 13 year old boy sharing among many things the answer to the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" He talked about the difference in perspective of a child versus an adult. He talked about living life fully, keeping things in perspective, being present and fully active in his day's energies and ended by saying while he is not quite sure what he wants to DO when he grows up he is certain that he wants to BE happy.

So what keeps us from this state of being happy? What gets in our way, trips us up and boxes us in. Why do we lose the perspective of our inner child instead of bringing it along with us in our life journey the same way we bring along our other characteristics?

To be happy requires less than we think it does. We over complicate it. We place expectations upon what it needs to look like, feel like, and cost us. We dictate when we have time to be happy, who we can be happy with and where we can find happiness.

What if we flung open the door to our happiness. What if we looked for it in the most unexpected places, made room for it in the least obvious relationships and were willing to  take a few risks and chances at creating it? What have we got to lose? We know we have everything to gain.

Our soul seeks happiness, bliss, delight and beauty. It is everywhere around us and if we take down the barriers and open our doors wide to the energies, so that they flow through and around us, the shift happens. Our bad days are not quite as hard, our ill moods not quite as sour, our frustrations not as taxing and we see light where we could only see darkness before. We feel brighter, lighter, stronger, and more alive!

And as an added bonus, this energetic shift spreads quickly. Those around us cannot help but be drawn into the flow of the happiness. Each day holds more smiles, more laughter, more tenderness and care.

Yes, as I grew up I found out what I wanted to Do. But more importantly I found how to Be happy!

Blessings, Lisa

The Simple Touches of Beauty


The beauty industry and media and advertising world want us to believe that we need their assistance somehow in uncovering or discovering our beauty; money needs to be spent, certain actions must be made, trainers and coaches sought, gadgets bought, supplements taken, injections given, creams applied and so on. Yet, beauty is most often found in simplicity.

The simple touches of beauty surround us. They are found in the laughter you share with family and friends. The exist in the compassion you bring to  your community. It twinkles in your eyes when you gaze upon a loved one. It is felt in your embrace. It is imparted in your praise. It is received in your thanks.

Beauty, true beauty, cannot be packaged or sold. It is something that lives within our essence. It grows brighter and becomes more expansive with our positive energies. It becomes alive the more we share it and embody it. Our beauty is unique to us and that in itself makes it even more stunning and attractive.

We need to do what we love, dress in what makes us feel amazing, dance to the songs that get us jazzed up, wear make up if it delights us, AND always be true to who we are! We can't be fooled into thinking that someone else knows what makes up our beauty. We ARE our beauty!

So many of the gifts in life come within the simple wonders and moments. We don't need to over complicate our beauty. Learning to embody our strengths, to celebrate our vulnerabilities, to honor our talents, to share our gifts...then our beauty shines through. Remembering who we are and embracing what we bring to the moment is the most effective way to show others our true beauty.

Blessings, Lisa