Meaning To Our Life


There are many people, events and things that bring meaning to our life. Our family and friends, major life events such as a birth or an accomplishment, or our jobs or hobbies; all these and more can contribute to the richness, the fullness and the wondrous beauty of our life.

We also can add to the meaning of our life. We have choices, we can take action, and we can dream. If we feel our life is lacking meaning or we are disappointed with the way things are it is then the perfect time to become proactive! We have a right to enjoy our journey. So how do we do this?

I start by recognizing my skills, gifts, passions and offerings that I bring to the world. Often within these I begin to see a purpose and a beauty unfold. It is part of the mystery of my life. It brings vibrancy and flow to my energies. It is there that I find my power to change.

Our life story is not beyond our control. We contribute to it every day. We can alter it as often as we would like. We can shake it up, turn it about, remove from it, add to it and even create pause in it. When we realize this, we become the power within our life-role. We take the lead role of our story and live it fully. We can become the heroine, the mystery maker, the director, and even the shifter. It is our story to create in.

The next time life feels lacking in meaning or needs a major shake up, turn inward and see what role you are ready to take on. Explore your passions, your creative juices, and your amazing talents. Find what is ready to be birthed. See what wants to step forward. Play with the possibilities. Explore your options. Take hold of story line and run with it, dance with it and allow it to flow with your energies of passion and hope!

Blessings, Lisa

The Thoughts That Bind Us


Thoughts are powerful. We hold and move energies with our thoughts. We can shift perspectives, influence opinions, offer encouragement and more. Judgments are thoughts with quite powerful energies as well. Especially if our critical judgment is sensed by the person that they are about.

Imagine if we are judging someone and we are thinking to ourselves that this person is saying something dumb or foolish. If that person happens to be sensitive, they will pick up on the energies that our thoughts are creating about them and if they are perhaps worried about what they are saying, or if they are feeling a bit uncertain, well we just reinforced all of that! Even if they are not sensitive or intuitive the energies are transferred.

If we can become aware of our judgments and know that whether we speak them or keep them to ourselves, the energies have been created. Being mindful of this fact, we can train ourselves to step away from judgment. Critical judgments have the power to be perceived by whomever we are judging. It is not in alignment with our integrity. It is not of love.

There is a saying if you have nothing good to say, then say nothing at all. Well, if you have nothing kind to think, then refrain from the judging. Criticizing someone, more often than not, is done without knowing all the facts or the person's story. So, we then create further story around them to support our judging thoughts. This dis-empowers, tears down, and separates those from us. When we walk with our heart and soul, we find it is far more peaceful and beautiful to refrain from this behavior. And that is what it is, a behavior. Behaviors are learned and can be changed and altered, with focus and intention.

The next time a judging thought creeps in, realign your self, seek the love to be found, the beauty, the gift of grace. Not only will it serve the one being judged, but it certainly will serve you as well.

Blessings, Lisa

Make Time for the Magic


When was the last time you saw the magic in your life? When was the last time you were left speechless, awestruck and in wonder? If it has been a while ... you need to make some time for it. And like many of the gifts in life, the more time you make for it the more you will see it surrounding you.

Magic is often the way the Universe communicates with us. Sometimes there are lessons in the communication, sometimes messages, but always gifts. One of the best ways to witness the magic that surrounds you is to tap into your younger energies and to be present in the essence of Now.

Magic has a difficult time manifesting in worry or negative energy. It just is not creative enough of an energy for the whimsy, the beauty and the delight to grow in. Magic loves to grow, to surprise, to tickle and to bring joy.

Magic can surprise you by showing up when and where you least expect it. It will grab your attention or subtly sneak up on you. It will provide you with beauty whether it be in sight or sound. It will awaken within you feelings of wonder and appreciation. It will give you a golden chord to weave through your day to keep it alive.

Magic can be seen through the eyes of a child, on a slow walk in the woods, in the holiday lights of the city, in the hands of your grandmother, in the song of the birds, at the water's edge, floating in the clouds .... anywhere! You simply need to be looking for it and making the time for it to visit you.

Magic does not disappoint. It gifts, it shares, it awakens and it sparks. You may find that when magic appears in your life that you will notice a spurt of energy, an answer to a query, an inspiration, or a calming grace. Magic is meant to be this way. Magic is meant to be an important part of your life.

Blessings, Lisa

The World's Music


When was the last time you experienced it? You know, that amazing release, the bliss, the perfect harmony that is felt when you step outside and become one with Nature surrounding you. Your body responds in so many ways to the connection. Your soul accepts the invitation with delightful abandon. All your senses begin to seek the natural beauty and essence that calls to them.

The world beckons me in these moments to become engaged and attentive. It is as though my soul has ears. It hears things that I know are there every day, but I don't always notice. It listens with intention and I find myself intoxicated by the symphony that surrounds me.

Step outside and listen. What might you hear? Perhaps the breeze fluttering through the last of autumn's leaves, hanging on in determination before the snow returns. Maybe the hawk's cry as she circles overhead with her keen eyes focused on your pause and the tiny creatures scurrying away from her shadow. Do you hear the gravel crunching beneath your feet as you move your body step by step on your day's journey?

We are creatures of habit, that has been noted by science, philosophers and even our selves. But we are also tremendously creative and inquisitive. Bring these qualities into your day today, step outside, raise your face to the sky, open your soul's ears, be present and relish in the orchestra of wonder that is waiting for your appreciation. Listen closely and you will hear your heart's beat engage in the rhythm, you will hear your soul begin to hum, and you may find your mind remembering a ancient song as it awakens within you.

Nature generously provides and steps up to meet many of our needs. The choice is ours on whether we accept or not. To break old habits begins with one moment of intention. To create new patterns requires us to repeat. With time we find we learn the new dance, step by step, and we are soon able to waltz through our day with the glorious melodies of the world carrying us on!

Blessings, Lisa