The Thoughts That Bind Us


Thoughts are powerful. We hold and move energies with our thoughts. We can shift perspectives, influence opinions, offer encouragement and more. Judgments are thoughts with quite powerful energies as well. Especially if our critical judgment is sensed by the person that they are about.

Imagine if we are judging someone and we are thinking to ourselves that this person is saying something dumb or foolish. If that person happens to be sensitive, they will pick up on the energies that our thoughts are creating about them and if they are perhaps worried about what they are saying, or if they are feeling a bit uncertain, well we just reinforced all of that! Even if they are not sensitive or intuitive the energies are transferred.

If we can become aware of our judgments and know that whether we speak them or keep them to ourselves, the energies have been created. Being mindful of this fact, we can train ourselves to step away from judgment. Critical judgments have the power to be perceived by whomever we are judging. It is not in alignment with our integrity. It is not of love.

There is a saying if you have nothing good to say, then say nothing at all. Well, if you have nothing kind to think, then refrain from the judging. Criticizing someone, more often than not, is done without knowing all the facts or the person's story. So, we then create further story around them to support our judging thoughts. This dis-empowers, tears down, and separates those from us. When we walk with our heart and soul, we find it is far more peaceful and beautiful to refrain from this behavior. And that is what it is, a behavior. Behaviors are learned and can be changed and altered, with focus and intention.

The next time a judging thought creeps in, realign your self, seek the love to be found, the beauty, the gift of grace. Not only will it serve the one being judged, but it certainly will serve you as well.

Blessings, Lisa

Present and Mindful


Thich Nhat Hanh once stated, "When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace and love." When I read these words, my soul soars with understanding. I have come to a place in my life where I fully understand this. This is not to say that there are days when I find the challenge in the act of mindfulness. We all do.

But life changes when I live this way. The saying, "Don't sweat the small stuff" rings in my ears. There is no need to. Instead the focus is placed upon the moment I am in, not the one left behind or the one to come. In that moment, my focus sharpens and I begin to see life differently. Without projection I place all my energies into what I am doing now, who I am with now, what I am saying now, and who I am being now. When I do that the door of peace and grace swings open. Struggles do not seem so large. Solutions are easier to find. Beauty is obviously present and my heart sings.

The work of the soul is timeless. When I fully embrace this concept I recognize there is little to be gained in projecting my worries or having relentless regrets. My soul is able to  flow throughout the layers of my energies and my lifeline to blend the lessons and gifts and love designed for me. I simply need to be present and embrace. To open myself up to the potency and expansiveness that is found in the now.

Riding the surface in life is not an option for me. I want to dive deep, dig deep and breathe deep. I want to explore the layers and pull out the weeds, dig up the roots and uncover the treasures. I want my moments to be filled with joy, surrounded by peace, coated with acceptance and open to potential. The only way I have found to create this is to live mindfully and remain present.

Blessings, Lisa