Redefining Success

file3481281013471 “The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these qualities have little to do with success as we have defined it.” ~ David Orr How do we define success? And why are we seekers of it? Perhaps if we were to change our definition, then the seeking of it would become more expansive, soulful and of heart. A world ruled by power, money and its existing definition of success does not serve the majority very well, it does not take into account the other earthly beings, and it cannot even consider the spiritual aspect of all. And so we continue on the revolving globe spinning out of control in our effort to achieve success.

How different it would be if instead of success we sought our passions, our longings or our callings? How different life would be if all were applauded for this rather than their economic stature or bank account or degree or title? What if were appreciated for who we were being rather than what we were achieving? I have to wonder.

Perhaps we are to change our definition of success to be one of a state of being our true natural file0001743812474beautiful soul being, living in a life that ripples out with our presence and unique essence so that those who were in need of our gifts and offerings would be impacted positively, freely and with honor. What if we were to honor and cherish those who heal and teach, those who create offerings of love and peace, or those who restore and replenish and bring great integrity to the relationships of all. What if we shifted the success factor from power, control and money to gentleness, love, healing and offerings. How different would the world then be?

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

Be Love

file3171274574531(1)“Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.” ― Marianne Williamson We are born with love, of love and in love. We are love. It is one of the most powerful energies that we can create and allow to flow through us. It heals, it blesses, it supports, it saves…we cannot exist without love. Our beauty is found in love, our wisdom is blessed by it, and our soul expands within it.

To remember that whenever we are filled with anger or hate, it stems from fear; fear of not knowing, fear of being outted, fear of being vulnerable and more. But this fear is most certainly learned. It is modeled to us by something or someone who has influence upon us, whether it be friends, family, peers or society. And if we are on our spiritual path, one of our greatest leaps is in the unlearning of this.

How do we unlearn this? We seek those who walk in love, we surround our selves with love, we look for love in the every day, in the every moment, in every face. When one is looking for love we cannot be focusing our energies on our fears, and so, slowly they get pushed away.

The best place to start? Start with yourself. Find the love in you, love your self with your imageimperfections, love your brilliance, love your body, your mind, and your soul. Fall in love with your dreams. Bring love to your work. Share love in your passions. Bless the world with your love. Bless yourself with your love. Be love. Be Love.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

The Light and The Courage

“Just a glimmer of light transforms the darkness into wonder, as well as just an ounce of courage transforms the most difficult problem into opportunities.” ~ Antonino Gatto It truly amazes me each and every time it happens. Perhaps my ego does not want to fully believe in thefile2391313868199(1) power held there. Perhaps my mind cannot comprehend the strength that exists there. Perhaps my thoughts cannot contain the wonder that is witnessed there. But within each dark shadow, if I can bring only a simple spark of light…I am able to see! And in each difficult challenge, if I can bring a mere drop of my courage…transformation occurs and possibilities appear.

It is such a tremendous blessings and it has not failed me yet. Of course my soul reminds me, my spirit soars in the moment, my heart becomes flooded with love and I am able to see the beautiful transformation occur around and throughout me.

Source wants us to become more and more accustomed to utilizing our light to illuminate the shadow side, the darkness that sometimes comes our way. It is in those moments that we learn so much about our full self. We see the how and why we are who we are. We are shown the areas that we can grow and expand, or need to sit still in and constrict a bit. There is great truth to be found in the shadows of darkness and our light will help us to find it.

Source also knows that may times our choices lead us to a challenge, we may stumble, find confusion, feel trapped or even confront problems that overwhelm us. But we then are reminded that we have within us the tools we need to work through or to remove or to find a way around and we can dig deep into our soul and summon a bit of courage to begin to make the movement forward. It does not take much and yet the momentum begins and before we know it, we find possibilities where we once thought there were none, we find options where we thought choice did not exist and we find our brave soul is leading the way.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAKnowing that there is consistency to be found in the use of our light and our courage is incredibly inspiring and comforting. As with much of my spiritual practice, the more I utilize these gifts and tools, the more familiar they become, the better I trust them and the more skilled I become at their use. I find myself celebrating with my soul at the wonder and beauty that becomes apparent and the simplicity to be found under the covers of my complications. There is joy and wonder waiting around each and every corner and I have within me the light and the courage, always, to find it.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

To Be Love

“The most important aspect of love is not in giving or the receiving: it's in the being. When I need love from others, or need to give love to others, I'm caught in an unstable situation. Being in love, rather than giving or taking love, is the only thing that provides stability. Being in love means seeing the Beloved all around me.” ― Ram Dass Are you love? Are you in a flow of love? Do you know how? So much of our life is spent measuring. We measure what we have or do not have. We measure what others have. We compare measurements from ours to theres. What if we stopped that nonsense and instead became what we are. So in the case of love, we do not worry about anything other than being a being of love.

When we stop worrying about the giving and the taking we step into being. To BE love means to see the beauty in each person, each moment, each breath. To BE love means not worrying about tomorrow, or who is right or wrong, or is it enough…instead we stand in a space of balance and let love flow through us and around us.

Love is an energy that can heal, it can lift, it can support, it can save and it can delight. Why wouldfile1101277665895(2) we want to be anything other than love? The more we practice being love the more love we see and witness. It is as though there is a magnetic and generative force to love. Love begets love!

Today, practice BEING love. See what happens. Watch how others react to you. Witness how your responses change. Notice how others seem attracted to your love. You will be pleasantly surprised and you may even decide this is the only way to BE!

Blessings ~ Lisa

©Copyright 2013 Lisa Meade