The Light and The Courage
/“Just a glimmer of light transforms the darkness into wonder, as well as just an ounce of courage transforms the most difficult problem into opportunities.” ~ Antonino Gatto
It truly amazes me each and every time it happens. Perhaps my ego does not want to fully believe in the power held there. Perhaps my mind cannot comprehend the strength that exists there. Perhaps my thoughts cannot contain the wonder that is witnessed there. But within each dark shadow, if I can bring only a simple spark of light…I am able to see! And in each difficult challenge, if I can bring a mere drop of my courage…transformation occurs and possibilities appear.
It is such a tremendous blessings and it has not failed me yet. Of course my soul reminds me, my spirit soars in the moment, my heart becomes flooded with love and I am able to see the beautiful transformation occur around and throughout me.
Source wants us to become more and more accustomed to utilizing our light to illuminate the shadow side, the darkness that sometimes comes our way. It is in those moments that we learn so much about our full self. We see the how and why we are who we are. We are shown the areas that we can grow and expand, or need to sit still in and constrict a bit. There is great truth to be found in the shadows of darkness and our light will help us to find it.
Source also knows that may times our choices lead us to a challenge, we may stumble, find confusion, feel trapped or even confront problems that overwhelm us. But we then are reminded that we have within us the tools we need to work through or to remove or to find a way around and we can dig deep into our soul and summon a bit of courage to begin to make the movement forward. It does not take much and yet the momentum begins and before we know it, we find possibilities where we once thought there were none, we find options where we thought choice did not exist and we find our brave soul is leading the way.
Knowing that there is consistency to be found in the use of our light and our courage is incredibly inspiring and comforting. As with much of my spiritual practice, the more I utilize these gifts and tools, the more familiar they become, the better I trust them and the more skilled I become at their use. I find myself celebrating with my soul at the wonder and beauty that becomes apparent and the simplicity to be found under the covers of my complications. There is joy and wonder waiting around each and every corner and I have within me the light and the courage, always, to find it.
Blessings ~ Lisa
©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade