Silently Changing

After a recent conversation with a client I found myself reflecting on the different ways in which change enters our lives. It can run the spectrum from chaotic and loud to subtle and silent. I think there are times when we are in the place of silent change that we wonder if anything is happening at all. I think there are times when we worry we are stalled, not doing enough, lost or failing to move forward. But more often than not, great change is happening in the many layers that make us who we are, but in a very gentle and quiet sort of way.

So much of our changes in life require us to take action. We ponder what we need to embrace, what we need to release, what we are calling into our live or who we should interact with. But then there are those times when change seems to occur without little to no action taken by us. We are often awestruck. Did this change just gracefully move through our path and surround us?

The miracle of change occurs on so many levels. Our egoic self believes that we are the main cause of the active unfolding of our days, yet on a soul level the energies are in a continuum of shift, ebb and flow. It is in these realms that our thoughts do not need to interfere, our clumsy actions do not get in the way and our authentic truth steps forward to manifest what is needed next. There is magic in the silent changes as the Universe responds to our needs.

The power in this silent change comes from our trusting. Learning to let go of control and expectations. Being willing to trust in our guides, our connection to Source and our innate wisdom. Silently these beautiful powers are not in need of our intellectual direction as they are guided by our truths, our passions, our callings and our higher self.

So the next time you are wondering why there seems to be a lull. Relax, trust, and wait. Silently, within the wondrous layers that make you YOU, there is plenty happening. And all of it is bringing you to the exact place in time that aligns all that needs to be for you to make the most of your life and you truth.

Blessings, Lisa

The Call Of The Wild

Have you ever awoken and burrowed under your covers only to be summoned forth by the sweet melodies of the birds outside your window? Have you ever opened that window and felt the gentle stirrings of the breeze through your hair and were tickled with delight? Have you ever followed that breeze to the fragrance of the flowers within it out to the garden below? Oh, how our body and soul responds to the touch of Nature.

The innate wisdom of our Being knows that there is tremendous healing to be found in the embrace of Nature. She beckons us to join Her. To break away from the chaos and routine of our day and step into Her timelessness.

She wants for us to breathe deeply. She encourages us to ground ourselves as we walk barefoot in the dewy grass. She places before us sights, sounds, sensations and smells to remind us of our universal connectedness. All this helps us to release what we have been lugging about day in and day along our path, that no longer serves us or can be put aside during this time of gentle healing.

It is here that we nourish our soul. It is here where we remember who we are. It is here that we find our rhythm again. It is here that we connect with the energies of all and find our inner light longs to shine brightly and our soul delights in the beauty that surrounds us.

We instinctively know that the call of Nature is meant to be answered. We know how good it is for us and how powerful its healing is. The next time you hear it, step forward and answer with great joy and awaken the beauty of YOU that is waiting.

Blessings, Lisa

Awaken Your Awareness

We all have our unique way of awakening our awareness. For some it is a sudden moment or event in time that everything seems to change. We see things from a new perspective, we feel things differently and we find ourselves reacting in new fresh ways. For others their awakening of their awareness is more subtle; a slow and gradual shifting, a graceful blending of beliefs and focus.

There is no ONE way to find one's personal spiritual practice and path. As children we are exposed to the beliefs of those around us, we may participate in traditions and cultural ceremonies and we find our own unique ways in which it all resonates. We carry these observations and ideas into our adulthood and with time put them to practice and to test.

Life brings our way trials, struggles, leaps of faith, celebrations, losses, and more. Each of these present the opportunities to practice our awareness. Some people shut down or go into auto pilot, or some take a long and trusted approach. Other may see each opportunity as a new window to look through. They may ask themselves how can I do this differently this time. Often this type of perspective evolves from the awakening of our soul, the clambering of our passion or the inspiration of our dreams. We want more, we are need a shift, or we are answering a call to go deeper.

Our inner guidance can lead us to where we turn next. It will challenge us if we are open to its messages. It may point out that if we are not happy with the status quo ... that we need to do things differently. It may remind us of the excuses we tend to hide behind when we feel anxious or overwhelmed. But if we remain awake and open to our truth, we begin, step by simple step, to move into the direction that is right for us in this moment.

The more and more that we do this, then the more we become attuned to what is right for us. What has worked for someone else may not look anything like what will work for us. We can become our own inspiration. Our consciousness will create opportunities for us to see things differently, respond in a new way, change course or embrace what we have turned away in the past. As we awaken our awareness, life begins to look a bit different. It begins to reveal all the gifts and truths it has been holding for us. We let go of our worries about what others will think or say and rest in the beauty of what is waiting for us in our day and in this moment.

Blessings, Lisa

Finding The Treasures That Surround You

We often find ourselves stuck in ruts. The mundane and ordinary that fill our day are because we have stopped seeking newness, the wonder, the different perspectives that are all around us.

Think about Nature and the perspectives She gifts us with. Go to the ocean on a brilliant sunny day and what you see may be very different from that of a cloudy stormy day. Still the same ocean, just a shift in the perspective. Go out into the forest at dawn and stand still, listen, look about and feel. Now revisit again the same forest at night and stand still, listen, look about and feel. What has changed? Same forest, just a different perspective.

Now lets take it a bit deeper. That ocean may be vastly different to the gull that soars above it compared to the crab that crawls upon its sandy shore. That forest will be a unique play land to the deer who travels across its ledges and feeds upon its meadows compared to the beetle who scurries across the branch of a tree...the forest is its Universe!

If we are willing to see the varied perspectives of our life and if we encourage and teach ourselves to do this, life can be fuller and richer and far less ordinary and mundane. The willingness to see our struggles from different perspectives affords us possibilities and solutions. Our flexible view point can create change when we feel stuck.

Being willing to explore the landscape of our life can create wonder and magic. It can also help us to find places to grow in and aspects to release. It can be the dose of encouragement we need to break out of our stagnant ways and into the beauty that awaits us. Life is meant to be full. We are meant to be engaged and to do so we have to be observant and open.

Learning to view from different perspectives can be fun and not daunting. Think of how a child would view the situation. Think of what your favorite role model would see. Perhaps approach it the way your most inspiring friend would. Even look at it from an animals perspective. You will be surprised at what is revealed by seeking new perspectives. Often our answers to our queries are right in front of us, we just cannot see them, but with a subtle shift, the treasures await us! And we cannot ignore them.

Blessings, Lisa