To Be Love

“The most important aspect of love is not in giving or the receiving: it's in the being. When I need love from others, or need to give love to others, I'm caught in an unstable situation. Being in love, rather than giving or taking love, is the only thing that provides stability. Being in love means seeing the Beloved all around me.” ― Ram Dass Are you love? Are you in a flow of love? Do you know how? So much of our life is spent measuring. We measure what we have or do not have. We measure what others have. We compare measurements from ours to theres. What if we stopped that nonsense and instead became what we are. So in the case of love, we do not worry about anything other than being a being of love.

When we stop worrying about the giving and the taking we step into being. To BE love means to see the beauty in each person, each moment, each breath. To BE love means not worrying about tomorrow, or who is right or wrong, or is it enough…instead we stand in a space of balance and let love flow through us and around us.

Love is an energy that can heal, it can lift, it can support, it can save and it can delight. Why wouldfile1101277665895(2) we want to be anything other than love? The more we practice being love the more love we see and witness. It is as though there is a magnetic and generative force to love. Love begets love!

Today, practice BEING love. See what happens. Watch how others react to you. Witness how your responses change. Notice how others seem attracted to your love. You will be pleasantly surprised and you may even decide this is the only way to BE!

Blessings ~ Lisa

©Copyright 2013 Lisa Meade

I Am A Woman of Wonder

utah_county_reception_venue(1)"This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before." ~ Maya Angelou Oh, the beauty and possibilities to be found in a new day! Always filled with the unexpected, always open to the options and choices that the Universe provides. Of late I have found myself to be a woman of wonder. Each day I begin with an honoring ritual for what is yet to come. I trust that my guides, that Spirit, that the soulshapers on my path will bring love and light. It always is so. How? Because that is what I look for.

I have learned to go through my days without expectations, to live in the moment, to embrace the wonder of each day. It is always there, if only I remember to seek it. Even on those days with lots to do. Even on those days when I am a bit spent. Even on those days when others try to work the smile off my face. My woman of wonder can find something that holds delight. Now the rest is up to me!

We learn in life how to fan the flames. We do it with our thoughts, out intentions, our words and our actions. Which fire you choose to burn is the real question. I choose to burn fires of passion, inspiration, appreciation and beauty. With that intent in my soul, the Universe responds.

Each day can unfold with the greatest of possibilities and options. Each person we meet can offer Steps__Halton_Castle__Runcorn__Cheshire_1984lessons and gifts. Each conversation we hold can lead to a place of inspiring potential. Every step we take can create a new dance. It is beyond wonderful. It can be so. One can live in this essence and have this beauty surround and be a part of who they are. It becomes contagious! Others will want to be a part of this magic, but it is truly your reality! And it is all within you, around you, before you and up to you! You too can be a woman of wonder, look for it in your truth, look for it in life.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

Wild Woman

"Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species. Though the gifts of the wildish nature come to us at birth, society's attempt to "civilize" us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become over-domesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped." -Clarissa Pinkola Estes Wild Woman embraces beauty for that is what feeds the essence of her Soul. But the beauty she embraces OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAmust be the purest in its form. Not highly processed and commercialized. No, she embraces the beauty found in a blade of grass, in the first sip of sweet tea, in the whispers of children, in the call of the hawk and in the holding of a friend’s hand.

Wild Woman embraces the power to be found in the shadows of her truth. Knowing that the balance lies in the place between the darkness and the light. Wild woman does not run and hide from her pain, but sits with it and allows it to talk to her in its own language, one not mimicked from any source but instead shared from heart.

Wild Woman fights to be heard. She will kick and scream and punch her way to the Truth if she needs to. But she will also tenderly share with grace and delight the delicate wonders that are birthed within her each day. She knows that her message matters and shares it with love.

Wild Woman lives simply, powerfully and creatively ensuring that she is available to all the richness designed for her by the Universe. She tends to her soul’s needs with a dedication. She opens her heart wide so that the flow of love is unblocked. She clears her mind of the lies, the mis-guidings and the opinions of others so that she can hear her authentic voice.

file000159238344Wild Woman is willing to stand on the very edge and lean into the wind knowing her wings will lift her and if they don’t she trusts that the fall will be what saves her! Wild Woman trusts that being in the moment and being present allows the very cells of her being to vibrate and share in the frequency of the Universe and all is as it should be and she dances in that joy!

Blessings ~ Lisa


Listen to the Voice of Integrity

file0001692203283Listen to the silent voice of your integrity. When the voice of knowledge becomes the voice of integrity, your emotional body becomes the way it was when you were a child. You return to the truth, to your own sense, you return to love, and you live in your happiness again. ~Don Miguel Ruiz Our world loves the quest for knowledge. Degrees are measures of success. Education is valued. And not that it shouldn’t be, but what we do with that knowledge needs to be equally valued or even more. How do we bring our knowledge into alignment with our intentions and connect that to our service and relationship with others?

When this alignment happens we feel so full of wholeness. Truth is the only meal the soul needs. Integrity builds our connection to truth. It fosters our relationship with our body, mind and soul. We find joy in our moments, we see beauty around us, we hear promise and hope, we have hearts overflowing with love and it is happiness that sets the rhythm of our steps along our path.

When we learn to listen, to truly listen to our integrity we allow its wisdom to mesh with our knowledge. We learn to shut out the chatter of the should’s of old stories and others opinion. We learn to hear the whisper of our soul. We trust the gentle nudging of our intuition. We put to practice what our purpose beckons.

When we learn to listen this way each day brings abundant possibilities to us. We find ourselves seeingfile0001146512556 with a perspective of brightness and wonder. Our doors and windows are wide open and we are ready to usher in the positive energies created by our intentions and our truth.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade