I Am A Woman of Wonder
/"This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before." ~ Maya Angelou
Oh, the beauty and possibilities to be found in a new day! Always filled with the unexpected, always open to the options and choices that the Universe provides. Of late I have found myself to be a woman of wonder. Each day I begin with an honoring ritual for what is yet to come. I trust that my guides, that Spirit, that the soulshapers on my path will bring love and light. It always is so. How? Because that is what I look for.
I have learned to go through my days without expectations, to live in the moment, to embrace the wonder of each day. It is always there, if only I remember to seek it. Even on those days with lots to do. Even on those days when I am a bit spent. Even on those days when others try to work the smile off my face. My woman of wonder can find something that holds delight. Now the rest is up to me!
We learn in life how to fan the flames. We do it with our thoughts, out intentions, our words and our actions. Which fire you choose to burn is the real question. I choose to burn fires of passion, inspiration, appreciation and beauty. With that intent in my soul, the Universe responds.
Each day can unfold with the greatest of possibilities and options. Each person we meet can offer lessons and gifts. Each conversation we hold can lead to a place of inspiring potential. Every step we take can create a new dance. It is beyond wonderful. It can be so. One can live in this essence and have this beauty surround and be a part of who they are. It becomes contagious! Others will want to be a part of this magic, but it is truly your reality! And it is all within you, around you, before you and up to you! You too can be a woman of wonder, look for it in your truth, look for it in life.
Blessings ~ Lisa
©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade