The Value of Soul Care

file000439029567You have the need and the right to spend part of your life caring for your soul. It is not easy. You have to resist the demands of the work-oriented, often defensive, element in your psyche that measures life only in terms of output ~ how much you produce ~ not in terms of the quality of your life experiences. To be a soulful person means to go against all the pervasive, 'prove-yourself' values of our culture, and instead treasure what is unique and internal and valuable in yourself and your own personal evolution. ~ Jean Shinoda Bolen As a society we place our value on production, accomplishments, and material manifestations of our efforts. More often our greatest achievements are those that are not immediately visible, often are not tangible and are not usually identifiable with a monetary value. Yet, having true inner peace, an appreciation of our authentic self, and acknowledgement of our personal growth are life’s greatest treasures.

Finding the time to honor, celebrate and place focused attention to these types of areas of our life, this soul growth and expansion, and this purposeful spirit care is often an overlooked space on our day’s timeline. We place more value on so many other things and this act of spiritual attention lags behind. Yet, when we do make the time for this part of our personal maintenance, we find ourselves empowered, we have an inner calm, we find beauty before us and we have an inner confidence that allows us to soar through the day.

So how do we make a point to include this soulful upkeep? How do we create an appreciation for the necessity of this time in our life, so that others do not balk when we incorporate it into our schedule, or include it in the day’s routine? Perhaps the steps need to be consistent yet small. Start with a simple morning ritual that gradually evolves into more. Try to set aside a day of the week that has a more expanded gift of self-care within it whether it be connection with nature, a day of spiritual service to others or a meditative practice. Find opportunities to celebrate your spiritual beliefs by creating days of honor. Then begin involving others. The more we model and share this act of soul care, the more it becomes understood, recognized and valued.

Just as it is with eating healthy food choices or making room for exercise, it begins with intentions and small file000174095712consistent efforts. Repetition and placing value in the actions sends a signal to our body, mind and soul of the necessity of it. We begin to value the intention and look forward to its role in our day. The positive results that come from these efforts then spur us on for more efforts. The feel good factor reminds us of why the small cost is worth the quality of life it brings.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade