Doom and Gloom
/There is a television show that I watched the other day. It is about people who are preparing for doomsday. There certainly seems to be a larger voice coming from the doom-sayers of late. It just does not resonate with me. I agree that things must change and I strongly believe that they will change. I also believe that these changes will cause great concern and challenge for us. But I just don’t resonate with the end being near.
One reason I feel so strongly about this is that there seems to be an increase in many of the earth based religions and those answering to their sacred call. There has to be a reason for this. I don’t think it is because the end is in sight, but instead, we are going to need to go back to our ancient roots, beliefs and practices to rise above the upcoming challenges. We are going to need community more than ever. We are going to need leaders who are not driven by politics, money or greed but instead move forward with spiritual connections, sacred alignment with all the creatures of this earth, those who are energetically in the flow with the Universe and bring their sacred connections to their service to others. They will not even be looked upon as leaders but instead as conduits and connectors.
Not everyone has spent the time to develop and nurture this aspect of them selves. Some do not even believe that they have the ability. Yet, those who have devoted time to living in the moment, living authentically, recognizing their connection to the earth and its beings, honoring their role in the evolution of the Universe and its flow…these people know no other way of being. It is part of who they are. It is this offering that they share with the world that will be looked upon as part of the necessary change. They will be the teachers, the shaman, the healers, the supporters, the nurturers and the mystics that will replace the politicians, the CEO’s, the game players, the brokers, and the takers. It will be within this return to the ways of the past that the future will be reborn. And so the storytellers will not forget our lessons. Our mystics will not sell our gifts. Our healers will show us how to adapt to the unfolding of the new truth.
I look forward to the future, knowing that regardless of what unfolds I have a community that will be the new founding fathers and mothers. I have surrounded myself with a people that embraces life authentically and with integrity. I have prioritized my needs, my wants and my offerings to be in alignment with my beliefs. If life ends as I know it I will be able to look you in the eye, hold out my hand and move on. No worries.
Blessings ~ Lisa Meade
©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade