Run and Return
/Let’s face it. We all have those days, and even weeks, where our days are too full, our calendars have little to no white space and our stress level climbs. Even if we try to live consciously, we are human and lives are full and outside influences encroach on all the healthy efforts we make. We get called in many different directions. We are faced with overwhelming decisions. It is inevitable.
But this chaos can cause ongoing distraction. For some, this energy becomes a form of self-distraction. Being authentic takes hard work and concentrated effort, especially when we are being challenged. Those challenges can come in many shapes and sizes, they can come in relationships and situations. It is often during those challenges that we revert to old behavior patterns, or comfort zones, even if we know that they have failed us in the past and are not really reflecting our truest self.
Author Jeff Brown wrote, “The faster we run, the more determined is the Universe to slow us down. The more embedded our methods of self-distraction, the more agitating the truth-aches calling us back to authenticity. The more eagerly we race to the sky, the more intense the lessons that bring us back to earth. The Universe has no interest in our flight from reality. It wants us right here. Nowhere else…but here.” It can be no other way.
There is comfort in knowing that even when we get off track or lose our focus, we will be called back. We will be given opportunities to re-learn our truth and embrace it. We can run away, but there will come the day when the running is more exhausting the return.
As we move forward on our life’s path, we experience this again and again. A small falter, a drifting away, even getting lost…and then the warm embrace awaits our return. Our souls want to be whole and in alignment with the treasures and experiences the Universe has waiting for us. The unfolding happens naturally and needs little more than for us to be present, to be open, to stop trying to be in control and to explore the possibilities!
Blessings ~ Lisa
©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade