The Body Temple
/Honoring the body temple can mean many different things to many different people. And for me, it means several ways of honoring, but the intention remains the same. I may have a variety of opinions, a great number of interests, abundant passions, and have assorted items on my bucket list still to be done. BUT the one thing that remains constant is the fact that I have only one body in this lifetime and the better I honor it, the more I cherish what it offers me and the more I respect its needs…my body responds brilliantly.
Years ago I learned that I needed to begin this relationship anew. My disrespect of my body was costly. I suffered from obesity. I had little energy. My self-esteem struggled. My health was beginning to deteriorate. My future depended on this awakening of honor. My life changed dramatically from the moment I made the commitment forward.
Since this relationship overhaul I have learned to listen to my body as it expresses its needs. I learned that a number of foods my body cannot tolerate. I have learned to eat only foods that my body can celebrate a healthy relationship with. As I made the changes, my physical form changed as well. I have shed well over 140 pounds. I have gone from a size 26 to a size 14.
As the weight came off, I discovered the joy of movement. Now I could walk without exhaustion, dance without pain, bend without discomfort. I have learned how strong my body can be. I have discovered the joy of flexibility. I have embraced the fun I can have with my body and its movement. Every day there is something to celebrate.
Honoring my body also means down time. Time for silence in everyday, to get centered, grounded, and focused. I make time take in the beauty of each day. And time to be grateful for all I have in my life. I create time, no matter how busy, to connect with Spirit and listen closely to the messages and insights.
Finding the pause my body needs is equally important. Sleep affords me time for rejuvenation and inner stillness. Stillness creates space for creativity and wonder. Calm allows the rhythm of the moment to reach my heart and set the beat to follow. Spirit guides me through the gentle movements I need to find my balance and alignment.
Honoring my body also includes time for creativity, play, relationships, and more. I have found my body temple is a beautiful structure that needs attention and appreciation, commitment and devotion. I have learned that I am the only one who can be my body’s keeper. I am its guardian, its lover, its caretaker and its devotee. My body patiently waited for me to wakeup to its needs. I will never leave my watch again. My intentions are clear, my respect is strong, and my dedication firm.
My body is one of the greatest gifts I have been given. I will never take for granted its magnificence again. I count my blessings often and I treasure my body daily.
As we head into the weekend, I hope you will take a moment and listen deeply to the messages your body is sending you. Any special requests? In what ways do you express your honor of the Temple?
Blessings ~ Lisa
©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade