In The Stillness
/I have just returned from a three-week vacation of camping with family and friends on the shore of Cape Cod. What a glorious time was had by all. Lots of space for rest and relaxation, time for rejuvenation and recharge, time for play and laughter and most importantly time for change and growth.
Bayazid al-Bistami states, "All this talk and turmoil and noise and movement and desire is outside of the veil; within the veil is silence and calm and rest." I climbed within the veil during these past three weeks. I had plenty of fun and play, but I made sure to sit in the stillness and discover the treasures to be found there as well. Creating the space for this emptiness I was able to find the stillness I needed and hungered for. Here I was able to touch hands with intuitive guidance and listen as my inner truth awakened and rose up within.
Sitting at the water’s edge, creating ritual around beach bonfires, hiking through dunes or even listening for the hoots of the owls that frequented our camp site each early morning created deeper awareness and allowed my imagination to percolate and create dreams, visions and possibilities. Journaling added jucy-ness to these thoughts.
A three-week vacation is not required for these treasures to be revealed. Taking a simple walk out-of-doors. Sitting beneath the shade of a beautiful tree. Finding a sunny spot to sit in with eyes closed as you listen to the voices of nature around you. Finding ways to connect deeper with yourself is vital to living a full and rich life. It opens the door to your relationship with your spiritual self. It gives time for creativity. It provides pause to the chaos and it sheds light onto the mundane and finds magic in the corners of our minds.
I have returned from this time feeling alive and recharged. I am excited for what the days and months ahead hold. I have ideas with endless possibilities and energy that is alive and playful. So much movement was made in my stillness!
Blessings ~ Lisa
©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade