Why I Love My Jobs
/I think I am one of the fortunate ones. I truly feel blessed with what I refer to as my jobs. But allow me to share with you a little secret…they don’t feel like jobs! I think I know why too. Along the path I call my life’s journey I finally figured out that to do my best in this lifetime, to live authentically and to continue to grow, I needed to be sure that my “jobs” supported and aligned with all of this. Spirit kept tugging me along in a certain direction and I quickly learned that if I went with the flow, stopped questioning everything, and developed my tools along the way, I became more and more passionate and excited about what was unfolding for me.
The other lesson I learned was to try to live life without expectations. Expectations lead to judgments, disappointments and often frustration. Without them, anything becomes possible and that shift in perspective for me made all the difference in the world and still does.
I am a spiritual life coach, author and blogger, and an artist representative for a talent promotion agency. Odd mix of titles, but they work for me! And, as I have said, I love my jobs!
While they may seem separate and a bit diverse these different roles all share certain similarities. They allow room for my creative spirit, they allow me to be of service to Spirit and to others, they allow me to use my strengths and I am appreciated for that, and they keep me engaged with others. These particulars are important to my satisfaction and my growth. The challenges that cross my path in these roles often stretch me, at times test me and sometimes puzzle me, but they have not yet bogged me down or took away any of my passion.
So I cannot help but wonder when I hear someone complaining about how much they hate their job, how life would be different for them if they could find a way to be their best, to live and grow authentically and find a job that supports this. We make lists all the time. We make lists for the groceries we need to buy, the qualities we want in a life partner, bucket lists of what we want to do before we die…what would a list look like that had the qualities of the best suited job for someone.
Perhaps that is the key. We accept jobs based on things like money, location, benefits, coworkers and such. These are all important, but they are not all that should be considered. When we look into a job do we consider how it aligns with what we want in life? Considering the amount of time the average person spends at the job, usually at least 40 hours a week, I think it should.
This, of course, is not to say in today’s economy we are grateful to have a job. I understand that fully, having watched my husband's business slowly disappear as companies took their business overseas for cost savings. We had good practice at making lemonade from the lemons left behind. But even through that, this concept became part of the equation of surviving, rising above, seeking elsewhere and moving on. I even think that it helped in that whole “have no expectations” piece…as anything became possible!
Blessings ~ Lisa
©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade