The Lens of Possibilities

I have spent the last several days stretching the perception of what I have thought myself to be, of who I thought I was and of how I would bring myself into the future. I have been given opportunity to be lovingly supported and challenged in this stretching. I have been called to task, given pause to reflect, ritual to honor, guidance to lean into and sistership to celebrate. And things have changed. I arrived at this moment, hungry and aware that I needed to be fed. I arrived at this place on the path with hopes and awareness. I did not take this opportunity for granted or lightly. I was ready for what Spirit was bringing to the table.

It has taken many years and much growth to even be able to get here. It has taken so much release of the shoulds, the stories, the pain, the expectations and the fear. I have had to experience what wasn’t in order to embrace what was. I have been asked to take things within my life, assess them, to look at them from a distance and then to focus on them with a lens of intense focus. I have had to make difficult choices.

Life is not what we always expect it to be, nor is it always what others tell us it should be. BUT it is always what it is supposed to be. Living in this place of conscious awareness has now brought me to today, to a place of stretching and of reaching the widest of expanse of possibilities. I think it is something I have grown to be comfortable in. It is not always enjoyable, it is not always easy, and it is definitely not always clear. But living this way, slowly flowing into each of these transitions within my days, I don’t miss the lessons as often. I more often am aware of the moments of insight and wonder.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade

Mindful Acts In the Making

What does being mindful mean to you? For some it is paying attention and for others it is being focused. For me it means to be aware of everything that is going on inside and outside of me. Let me share a few examples of mindfulness. I am aware of the blue sky and the chirping birds and the dew soaking into my sneakers as I cross the grass in the morning to smell the blooming flowers in the backyard. I am aware of the smile lines forming at the corners of your eyes as you listen to a song on the radio that invokes memories from when you were a teenager. I am aware of the sense of joy that relaxes through my body when I pull into the driveway after returning from a trip away from home. This awareness is in the energy that we are all a part of. It is all around us and in all things. Our minds are very busy. Studies show we have as many as 60,000 thoughts each day! To be mindful we have to quiet our mind. It is beneath these thousands and thousands of thoughts that our inner peace resides. Within that peace rests our mindfulness. We find in that peace a place of pause. We find enough time and space to embrace the blue sky, the birds, the dew, the smiles, and the joy. We can be present with these glorious gifts that Spirit sends our way throughout our day.

We all have the ability to quiet our minds. It takes intention and practice. Starting small is best. Allow a few minutes a day where you bring mindfulness to the moment. Just be present with what you are observing. If other thoughts enter, sweep them away. If you are watching the sunset, enjoying the wispy clouds, the pastel colors the sun has painted across the sky and the golden rays sinking beneath the horizon and you suddenly think about calling your son’s teacher about an assignment…sweep that thought away and revisit the sunset. Assess how you feel as you watch the setting sun. How is your body responding? How are the birds and other creatures responding? How is the light shifting? Stay in the moment as long as you can. Each time you do this you will find it gets a bit easier and easier. You may find you begin to look forward to it. You may find you turn to this practice at times when your thoughts are overwhelming and getting the better of you. Patience and practice. Your mind works so very hard all day long. Being mindful gives it a moment of graceful pause. And your body and spirit take delight in this space of awareness.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade

The Power for Tomorrow

We live in a society where people are applauded for standing out above the rest. This gives one the perception that anything that is not exceptional is less than. Yet, how many of us live moments that look like a script from an award winning television show, or with a golden award hanging around our neck or or awaken to thunderous applause. Many are caught up in a game of competition. This type of living brings many of my clients to my door asking me, “What do I do with the rest of my life?” They are looking for a special vision, an important mission, a unique calling. They feel inadequate without this. What they are missing is that they are looking to others, looking outside of themselves, and comparing and contrasting their life with others for the answer.

The answer is not outside of them, but instead it is within them. That is where the call lives. It takes great courage to be able to BE with this. It takes understanding and inner strength to release the need to be better than others. It takes understanding that all one needs to be is the best that they can be at any given moment.

This allows us to let go of the need to think about what others are thinking or saying about us. It gives us the room and the grace to live by our own principles. We develop a courage to ask ourselves growth producing questions. It allows room for us to explore and discover new concepts and see how they fit with who we are.

How you choose to view the life you have right now, how you choose to live it, to be with it and to explore it is the greatest indicator of how exceptional you truly are. So many people live lives of judgment and opinions of others. To refrain from this practice and to instead place the energy and focus on their own lives is where inner truth resides. Being authentic with our self and practicing this authenticity daily gives power to our tomorrows.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade

How Things Changed

I remember the day I began a new practice and how everything changed from that day forward. I had been reading a book and it inspired me and brought to my mind and heart questions that felt good to ask. One of these questions was, “How can I be of service today?” That was when everything changed. I learned that this questioning helps me be aware to how I present myself to others, what I support, how I encourage, and even the things I let go of. I now ask myself this question everyday. Everyday! Even on those hectic busy days. Even on those days when I may be not feeling well. Even on those days when the unexpected happens. Everyday. Here are some of the answers.

I can be of service in small ways, on those hectic days, by keeping present and working on my personal stress level. I am able to keep a positive perspective and offer this to my family and friends, keeping things light and trying to remain upbeat.

I can be of service, even on those days I do not feel well, by taking good care of my body temple. By practicing good self-care I am modeling this to those around me. My body appreciates and responds to this service of self and the healing can begin.

I can be of service when the plans that have been made need to be released or shifted because the unexpected happens by walking with grace, being open to all possibilities and receptive to what life is presenting to me.

I am always in service to Spirit in my shamanic practice. I am often in service to my clients as a Spiritual Life Coach. I am often in service to my family as a mother and a partner to my husband. I am blessed and happy to be aware of all the different ways I can be of service. Now each day has a purpose and does not blend from one day into another. I bring an awareness to my days. I hold intention in my days. This changes everything. It brings an energy to my day that supports my beliefs, charges my passions, feeds my mind and spirit, honors my body and puts a smile on my face. Everything changed with that one question all those years ago. Who knew!

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade