Boulders On The Path

Showing up and being present is a powerful way to enter your day and walk your path. But is also a sure way to be certain that you will annoy someone. Having strong opinions, beliefs and intentions are dynamic forces of expression and creativity. AND they ruffle feathers. I have learned that if I am not creating some sort of resistance then I am not being fully authentic. That is not to say that I am being confrontational or rude. But my days of people pleasing are over. I show up, with my convictions and my intentions and hope that my light will shine brightly. For some, they may believe it is too bright, or perhaps not bright enough. So be it. I am a woman of spirit, every day doing my best to bring my truth forward, to be open to possibilities and to live as consciously as I can. It may offend some. It may push others buttons. And it may disappoint others too. But it is all I can do to direct my energy on myself and not be concerned with the beliefs of others and their point of view of me. As a child I strove for acceptance from others. My self-esteem could have been measured by the praise or criticism others paid me. I did not have a reserve within to draw from during low points or during times of trial and test. It wasn’t until later in life that I became aware that my self-worth, my self acceptance and my inner beliefs could not be my personal truth if I continued to look to others for their take on me.

Freedom came in that moment! Freedom to walk my path and to create the life I hoped for. And surprisingly it was so much easier. Living up to others expectations and even, and I believe this was far worse for me, even restraining myself to not shine too brightly and appear overconfident or full of myself to others, was taxing. To awake each day and set my own intentions, hold vision to my own goals, to encourage and stretch myself and to allow myself time to learn, to pause and soak up a life’s lesson…all this became my dance of freedom.

I cut the invisible tie I had tethered to myself and to others point of view of me, my life and my successes and failures. This release has meant dedication to me. This severing was sometimes frightening and often exciting. This liberation allowed room for growth and expansion. This emancipation meant I was allowing myself to make mistakes, beautiful and glorious mistakes and not be laden with shame, guilt or over criticism of my efforts.

It was only with this that my evolution to authenticity began. It soon was thriving. It was many times messy and complicated. I learned to slow down, to find my own pace and tempo. And when I was ready I would propel my self forward, taking leaps of faith, enjoying calculated risks and exploring unknown territories of my life’s journey.

Letting go of the concern of what others thought, said or believed made the necessary difference for me to live the life intended by Spirit. There were the naysayers and disapprovers then and there are those now. The names and faces may have changed but their presence remains. But most importantly, I have changed. I am aware that my actions and beliefs will always cause some comment or critique. I casually observe and step over what does not serve me. These are no longer boulders blocking my path. Now, I rarely even stub my toe!

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade


One of the most difficult transitions one makes in their lifetime is from trying to fit in and be part of the group to embracing our unique individuality and becoming more independent. For some it happens in early adulthood with a strident break from the family tribe, often with some drama and emotion attached. (This I know to be true, having lived through it now with four of my five children…and we all survived!) For others it is a more gradual transition that happens over time with various life experiences that urge us on. Regardless of when or how it unfolds, it is a necessary transition. Many times we are afraid of being ourselves. We are afraid of being unique and different and being what the Universe brought to life within us. We are afraid of being individually powerful and even successful. For as long as we possibly can, we make a compromise. We try to live both lives - the dependent tribal life and the independent personal life - as contradictory and opposite as they are. But that compromise keeps us bring being our brightest self. It keeps us small. It does not allow our unique individuality shine out to the world. If you believe you were brought to this moment in time, this place, within this life -time for a reason, then doesn’t it make sense to bring it on! Doesn’t it make sense that whatever perspective, gifts, abilities and unique individuality you own have a purpose? If we do not take those brave steps forward and embrace our individuality and identity we are not only short-changing ourselves but also those who cross our path. As with many transitions, it takes faith, trial and error and effort. Faith – believing you have it in you…your already are a unique personal and have all of these gifts and blessings within. They are waiting for their opportunity to be revealed and shared! Trial and error – because it is new to us, we may not get it right the first time or even the next. It may take some time to find our way, to find what feels right, and to live if authentically. And finally, effort – your individuality will not shine through without changing some of your conforming ways. Sometimes it takes thought and breaking through old patterns and behaviors, but it so worth it.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade

Do You Believe in Magic?

Sometimes I get frustrated with those who believe that they have an answer for everything. They love to offer what they believe are rational explanations for every phenomenal occurrence and being in this beautiful world and beyond. Do you believe in magic? I most certainly do. It adds wonder to my days, inspiration to each moment, beauty to the ordinary, and delight in the empty spaces. Promise and potential live there. How different life would be for me if I were not a believer.

I don’t want to have all the answers or the excuses. And who says that those answers and excuses are correct? Hmmmm? Why can’t there be fairies, unknown colors, indescribable possibilities and dragons? (Just to let you in on a secret…there are! If you believe in magic, you get to see these magical wonders…legally!)

Ronald Dahl once said, “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” And it is true. Those of us who believe view life differently than those who do not. The ordinary becomes awesome to us. We see the magic in each and every sunrise. We stop in our tracks to listen to the beautiful message being sent in the cardinal’s song. We feel the wonders of the world when our fingertips brush over a pussy willow branch. And we believe that every baby born holds expansive possibility.

May I make a suggestion? The next time you are having one of those days…you know the one’s that your heart is a bit heavy or your feelings of overwhelm have the better of you, allow a little magic to seep into your day. It changes everything. If you are not used to its power, it may take you a bit to reach it, but once you do, you won’t turn back. Magic lightens and brightens, it softens and eases and it awakens and radiates. It is the perfect fix for one of those days.

And if I may let you in on a little secret, the more you share magic, the more is blooms within you. Sharing it is easy. Sharing it is delightful and extraordinary. The gifts that come from sharing the magic awaken parts of you that others will find unusual. Some may be intrigued and charmed while others may laugh it off, but the alchemy of magic will find its way. Lives may be changed, including your own!

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade

Just Do It!

As we get older and move forward on our path we learn many things. Life’s lessons hold new meaning and sometimes greater consequences for us as well. Take for example, how quickly time goes by. It seems to me last summer was only a blink ago, not an entire year! Acknowledging how quickly the days slip by, I often reflect on my plans and my motivations. What am I doing with my time? Is it put to its best use? Am I doing all I can to be of service to others and to Spirit? Am I living with intention and consciously? Are my actions aligning with my words and thoughts? If not how can I make it happen? I have learned over time that to have things happen in my life, I have to make them happen! Basically I have to do to see the results, even at times, in the face of doubt. I have to be willing to try new ways. I must be willing to stretch. I need to sometimes shift my perspective and see things from another point of view.

I have learned there are times when I will get stuck. I have had to learn when to be patient and when to push on. Trial and error has become my friend. Exploring all possibilities brings juiciness to my day. When frustration enters the picture, I challenge it with focus. When I fail, I fail beautifully. Really, sometimes it is not so graciously, but I have learned to make the most of my failures!

There is a phrase, “Just Do It!” that I have often had to adopt and apply to my personal journey. That is not to say I don’t weigh options, I give thought to the plan, and sometimes I seek others input. But when it comes down to the bottom line…sometimes I just have to do it. What is the worst that will happen? I might mess up, make a fool of myself, have to start over or lose out on something. But I also could succeed, radiate and ripple outward, get a strong start and gain a big life lesson.

There is a good deal of talk out there. People saying that they want to do this or that, but they don’t put their words into being. They just talk. I got tired of hearing myself talk. Now, I enjoy watching myself move. Moving onward. Doing it!

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade