Finding the Union With My Soul

Have you noticed that life is filled with comparisons? From the time we are born it begins. And it continuesOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA to go on to varying degrees throughout our lifetime. More often than not, comparison is our ego trying to get us to focus on how we are different from others. In a society that does not support healthy self esteem and loves to invest in the energy around the haves and have nots....this is a dangerous path to walk to. It shuts us down. It divides. It disengages us from our soul. To find the union with my soul I prefer to focus energies on recognizing and celebrating the ways we are the same. Finding commonality between peers creates a bridge that communication can cross over. It is what often draws the heart to follow the love thread when we meet our partner. How much we share in common offers a sense of recognition and delights the soul.

When we separate ourselves from others through our beliefs we think we are in control. We get big in ego, we are not being authentic and do not invite positive energies into the relationship. When shift our perspective to be open and receptive, welcoming and inviting, non-judgmental and hold the vision of love, we have moved into our soul presence. Positivity begins to flow and we find ourselves invested in the relationship.

file6091289079807When we hold the vision of our connection with everything, life expands. As Wayne Dyer states, "As a holistic being you shatter the illusion of your separateness and reveal your connection to everything. This empowers you in a way that the ego-driven self could never contemplate." We learn that egoic beliefs separate while soul love unites.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

My Hot List

file0002001133902Ok, I will admit it. I am a list maker. It is part of my organizational skills. I rarely look at them once I write them. It is the act of writing them that keeps me focused and organized in my intentions and flow throughout the day. All I know is it works for me. Over time my lists have evolved. I decided I could use the power of the list making process to my benefit in more ways than simply remembering things to do or get. I began to develop what I now call my HOT list. This list is basically a "to do" list but with bigger intentions. This list contains things that REALLY matter to me and the life I am choosing to live, things that genuinely impact the quality of my life in the best ways possible, a list that is in alignment with my very soul.

Every day this list reminds me to be sure to dedicate time to focus on these things, some days it is only 15 - 30 minutes and other days it is a full day. Some days I write about these things, some days I put energies into their creation. Some days I plan what I need to do to manifest these things into my life, or what I need to release to make room for them.

I once read a quote by S. Covey, "You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage -- pleasantly, smilingly, unapologetically -- to say 'no' to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger 'yes' burning inside." I changed the word "priorities" to possibilities. That felt even truer to me. It is a quote I live by.

I have learned the value of my numerous lists in life. Whether they bring organization or possibilities, file000302238899(1)it is a win/win for me. I have also learned that my HOT list, really is just that. It is filled with my fiery passions, it holds burning embers and keeps sparks alive. This list has taught me that to get the life I want to live, to have the experiences, the relationships, the challenges, the possibilities...I have to first decide what I truly want and then I have to invest myself into them.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

What If I Chose Differently Today?

What if I chose differently today? What if I broke out of my normal response, perspective and assumptions. What DCF 1.0if I headed right and then took a sharp left? What if I said yes instead of no or no instead of yes? Oh the possibilities! This is all part of heightened awareness that we all can bring to our day. We have so much choice in how we live our lives. Every day, every moment we can choose a new experience for ourselves. This is particularly true when we find that we are doing again and again something that is not really working for us. But imagine doing this even when things are working? Can you challenge, even just on occasion, the old, "if it is not broken...don't CHANGE it?" Why not? Why not do something different?

What would happen if we were not so serious? If we laughed more, breathed more deeply or paid attention a bit more closely? Endless possibilities and opportunities could come our way! This is one of my favorite ways to shake things up. Anytime I feel dull, bored, restless or stuck...I do things differently. It can be something small or something on the larger choice!

Taking myself off of auto pilot works for me. I take a good look at the situation and access. Do I want to do what I always do, or what others would expect me to do? Maybe doing something different can enrich my experience and shift the energies. I won't know unless I try. And so I try. Sometimes a new way of thinking or a fresh approach is exactly what I needed to get the energies flowing again in a direction that resonates with my soul!

file8811270600714I cannot always decide what will happen in my life, what will come my way...but I can choose what I will do with it, how I will approach it and how much energy I am willing to extend to it. Living in the moment, being present, looking for the possibilities and checking in help the energies that surround me to be vibrant and flowing, alive and abundant!

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade


KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAThere is a Zen saying that I often remind myself of, "The tighter you squeeze, the less you have." This is especially important for me to remember even when whatever I am particularly attached to is lovely, good for life, beautiful or positively impacting others. This is not about whether something is good or not, it is about holding on, being attached to something so that there is no room for something else, for more, or for change. It is easy to rationalize. We understand the need to let go of what no longer serves us, that makes sense to the logical and emotional mind. But why, oh why, do we have to be willing to let go of something that does bring goodness to our life? The very same principles apply. Letting go of things that do not serve us well makes room for change, allows us to expand, to learn and to make room for what the Universe is holding patiently and waiting to introduce to us.

When we become attached to beautiful and positive aspects, people or things in our life the Universe is still left holding patiently the more it has for us. The more we cling to these, the less they really bring to our life. And so we need to realize that we control nothing, we have nothing, we are to be in the flow, witnessing, loving, learning, embracing and releasing as we move through the currents that Source guides us through.

The less we are attached to the fuller our experience will be. The less we are clinging to the more open our file000855469386soul can be to all that awaits it. The more we live without expectations, the more wonder we can experience and on and on. This is not as easy as it sounds. Our times encourage us to obtain the good things in life, to hang on to what we have earned and to hold close those things we love. But once we learn this important lesson of not being attached, we experience great abundance, experience the true richness and live a life fuller than we ever dreamed. Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade