Sacred Idleness

file0001464950673(1)There was judgment in the passing comment, "Wow, three whole weeks of vacation time! I could never pull that off, my commitments in life, my responsibilities and my free time would not let me." It was stated in a brief conversation with a friend who asked how my summer was and I shared how beautiful the time spent with family and friends camping on Cape Cod for three weeks was. I heard her words, felt her energy and let it roll off of me...after all it obviously is part of her story, not mine. But it did get me to wondering. We value work so much in our world. Hard work especially! Sacrifice is applauded when it is related to these diligent efforts. And while, often, there is hard work required for some of our achievements and struggles in life, I am so happy I have learned that sacred idleness is equally valuable and worthy of our recognition, appreciation and respect.

Are we so addicted to being productive that we feel guilt if we take time to pause? Do we judge others for honoring this aspect of Being? It is that whole dangerous minefield of compare and contrast that we sometimes travel through. How to avoid this? What is right your you may not be right for me, but I celebrate you decision.

My sacred idleness restores balance, it rests my body and mind, it refuels my soul and it creates a peaceful file0001146512556presence that is much needed for the work I do when I am in that intention and focus. It is part of the needed flow of energies to keep me in integrity, to live life fully and to be in service. I celebrate sacred idleness in others. I see the delight in their eyes as they share about a walk in the park or a morning spent sprawling in bed under the warm blankets and listening to the wind outside the window, or taking a long walk at the waters edge listening to the gulls and watching the waves roll in and out. I see their body language express the wondrous balance that is restored during this important pause.

I will not neglect my sacred idleness. To me it is as important as fueling my body with clean foods, connecting with Source on a daily basis and being love throughout my day. I only can wish this for my friend, may she discover her sacred idleness can serve her well and not be a "someday" on her calendar. Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

A Night With My Soul

My Soul gently nudges me. I have been awake for about an hour, unable to sleep, listening to the rain outside my file000441757195window, journeying and checking in with my spirit guides and allies, returning to the softness of my bed and the gentle snoring of my husband and sleep seems on pause. So when the nudge comes, I check in. Yes, I know you well, dear Soul, as you have gently held me during this journey. Coaxing me through the learning, celebrating my triumphs and waiting for me as I paused. So what do you have in your tender cupped hands for me tonight? I close my eyes and allow the sharing to begin. Familiar with our conversations I know the gifts await. Slowly in a gently swirling of colors I begin to see the images my Soul wants to share. Behind my closed eyes I see myself in joy! Scene after scene appears before me of moments of joy, celebration, happiness shared with family, friends, clients and peers. I see the energy of my soul dancing with me. The smile spreads across my face and my heart breaks open.

Then new scenes appear. Moments of hard work, times of being alone and carrying on, scenes of struggles and breakthroughs. I see on my face the determination, the commitment and the intention. I see the energy held within my body as I move forward in these moments. I see the essence of my soul supporting me. As I view these scenes I feel my breathing ease and my mind find peace.

Slowly my Soul whispers to me, "I am there with you through it all. I do not leave your side. You have taken on the challenges of this lifetime, you show up, you honor, you falter, you learn, and you celebrate. You are here because you are meant to be and you know this. You bring your heart, you bring your strong intentions, you create with flexibility and you embrace the lessons that come from it all. And I am with you through it all."

file0002014639410And so this gentle nudge becomes and understanding. It unfolds into a beautiful holding of what is and what may become to be. It slowly turns from what was and gracefully honors what was given in those moments to carry forward into today. My Soul and I are ready to create, to love, to live and to learn. And now I am ready to rest into a deep and comforting sleep.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

Your Power Song

file0001203965(1)Sitting in the early morning silence, watching the sunrise slowly fill the sky with sorbet colors, hearing the world awaken as the birds sing the morning into being, my soul breathes forth its power song. Sometimes it is a slow lulling rhythmic chant that begins deep within my belly and works its way up to cascade out and joins in the morning symphony. Sometimes it is a light and lyrical combination of tones and words of gratitude. And there are the times it is a gentle humming that carries me through the day, bringing connection to my body and my soul. The shaman learns to work beyond the comfort of the ego. Ego is what will judge your abilities, your talents and skills. This is not about a talent contest. A power song is about connection of your soul and the Universe. It is about celebrating with the world around you. It is about tapping into energies to bring to your day. It can be about releasing as well.

As you open ourselves up to your power song you find the energetic vibrations moving through us. You find a connection with a life force and your soul resonates. As you bring your sacred breath to your power song you find these energies moving within and through you. You feel yourself become lighter, more power-filled, vibrant and soul connected. You learn that this can become a potent tool for your sacred path.

Traditionally, shamans have used power songs and other forms of this creative force, such as power dance, to invite and connect to their spirit guides and allies. Often used in healing and soul retrievals it is one aspect of shamanism that helps bridge the worlds. It is mighty energy!

Many people find their power song by connecting with Nature. It is there, while alone, held in the gentle file000501152693(1)embrace of the Mother that we find our safety and our creativity. We find ourselves connecting with the beauty that surrounds us and an energetic flow begins. Others find their power song while visiting their sacred place, whether it be a temple, an altar or a sanctuary. Regardless of where you access your power song, know that it is there within you, waiting for you to embrace and embody it.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

If In Role, I Embrace This One

We all have roles we hold in our world. Some we embrace and others we are striving to walk away from. So file000567791886what has got me all juiced up? What has me rising each day ready to garb myself with its potent attributes and bring them forward into my day, my practice and my community? It is a role that I celebrate in you and in others in my life. The role of a Thought Leader. How do you know you are stepping out as a Thought Leader? There are some specific signs and indicators. You realize that since the day you were born you have been experiencing opportunities to practice for this role. There have been no life events that did not help you expand into it.

You find your path crossing with amazing mentors who are also Thought Leaders. They come along to model and guide you, to support you and to challenge you. Their lessons and gifts boost your comfort in this role more and more each day! You find yourself having conversations that feed your soul.

You are passionate about your work, your calling, your service to others. When you are in your groove it feels as though the Universe is rolling out the red carpet for you and making sure you have a venue, an audience and opportunities to share and create. You feel timeless and are filled with gratitude. You are motivated and feel the energies moving through you.

You are willing to take risks and embrace your failures as you know that these are the places where many of the biggest lessons unfold! Greatness is to be found here! As much as you love a successful endeavor and an open door, you do not fault yourself for the times things just did not take off or the door remained closed. If you have moved off course you trust your guides, intuition, and your gut to guide you back. You have learned to work with these important tools. You have learned to take away the gems and move onward.

file0001644205233(1)These are just a few of the characteristics of a Thought Leader. It is a role that more and more will step into as our present bridges with our future. We are embarking on a time that requires this forward thinking to be married with forward actions. The roles of the visionary and healer of the past, while important and valuable for their time are shifting. There is a new way that the leaders, the healers, the shaman, the mystics, the teachers, the visionaries, and the thinkers are taking. Join us if you feel the call of this role. It may be the best of this lifetime, if not the most impacting.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade