As We Heal

file000739935116(3)…As we heal, the Earth Mother feels our joy. We are like cells in and on her body. The power of love, the power of healing, the power of compassion, the power of unity, and the power of knowing are our abilities. These are the gifts our Earth Mother seeks to share with us at this time. ~ Jamie Sams Healing is an interconnected energy that flows throughout the world, to all its creatures and beings, to the stars and the ancestors, among the realms, in between the moments, and is woven between the dreams and through the hearts across all time. This healing is an energy that carries the stories, embraces the love, transports the understanding, shares the lessons, reveals the light, and showers the beauty. Earth Mother knows She is one stop on the journey and she wants this particular destination to be a vibrant and joyous one for us.

The wavering line of time eludes us as humans. We are not always able to comprehend that the before and the yet to come and the present is all about NOW. When we can sit with the realization that throughout time we are continually gathering and sharing energies. These energies are filled with our gifts and abilities and there are other energies at play that want and need to be a part of ours. It is in this union that the wonder happens, the compassion grows, the joy is built upon and the healing flows. We have a far greater impact on the energetic flow throughout the Universe than we know. If we can sit with this and embrace it we begin to feel it, to live it and to want to continue to be in this creative force.

To embrace our healing and to be open to where it takes us is vital to this energetic orchestration. We Warm glowbecome an integrative influence. We become part of the rhythm and the flow. Our abilities begin to shine brighter and brighter. We begin to see the beauty that surrounds us with a different focus. We walk on this earth with a sense of engagement with ALL. Our soul begins to recognize its call and it shows up with great power and expansive light.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

Your Soul Knows

Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future; file000185289850therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey. ~ John O'Donohue Can you find the comfort and peace within the above words? We live frantic lives of reaching for success, striving to win, struggling with our accomplishments and comparing ourselves to others. All that energy becomes so wasted. Much of our focus is skewed. And our perspective is not aligned with our souls.

If we can begin to take small steps of trust we can begin to find this comfort. Our soul holds the wisdom of our every move, our choices and our intentions. It will send to us guidance; call to us those who we need to meet or know, share with us energies that will help transform and guide us onward.

As we open ourselves up to this type of rhythm we find that there is a great grace added to our day. We find we begin to see the beauty around us. We find that we take little for granted and grow with abundant appreciation. If we can put our trust into the guidance of our soul we will find the possibilities grow. We will find that our understanding will expand. And we will find that our trust will grow.

file1061256753351Source wants more for us in life than we could ever imagine could be ours. It brings to us through our soul energies of great love, opportunity and insight. If we learn to be open to this energy, if we learn to be present with it, we will notice that our steps and direction in life becomes clearer and this clarity encourages us on to reach higher, to think broader and to find the delight along the way. Finding this rhythm of our soul means we find a graceful pace to our strides through life.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

Imagine This Dream

"My dream is to be a part of a movement of being kind to ourselves and to others and witness a generation of young people that no longer waste years of precious life on self-loathing like I have because they think they are un-beautiful."~ Jade Beall Photography file0001139676137Picture the day when the negative self-talk ends for all. Imagine the possibilities, the power, the joy and the beauty. Imagine the different way the world would appreciate, honor and operate. It is possible, especially since I know ANYTHING is possible.

How do we begin this? How do we create this new and exciting trend? How do we make it the next best thing, the must have, and the topic of every conversation? How do we make self-loathing and negative self-talk a thing of the past; soooooo yesterday?

We have to start with ourselves. We have to not just talk about it, but BE it. We have to model it, support it, celebrate it, encourage it and honor it. We have to cherish and require it. It can be what saves us. It will be what empowers. It should bring peace. Imagine!

The precious energies will no longer be wasted and instead flow into the positive realms, the healing file000590857181realms, the growing and evolving realms. These barriers of good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, tall enough, small enough…these barriers would fall and instead we would see each others attributes that matter and have effective impact on our lives and on the lives of others. We would witness the compassion of others, the generosity, the grace, the authenticity … imagine! Imagine being so kind to ourselves and to others that negativity is hard to recall and instead we see the power in each soul, the beauty in each face and the joy in each body. Imagine!

Blessings ~ Lisa Meade

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

You Were Not Born To Struggle

You were not born to struggle. You were not born to live a life where the moments of joy are few624895_dreams_in_water_2 and far between. You were not born to toil in your work five days a week, with fleeting moments of happiness on weekends. You were not born to live with limited energy, feeling exhausted at the end of each day. You were not born to worry or be afraid. You were not born to suffer. What would be the point of your life? You are meant to experience life to its fullest and have everything you want and, at the same time, be filled with joy, health, vitality, excitement, and love, because that is an amazing life. — Rhonda Byrne Can you accept that this is Truth. Not a truth for just some, but for all! A truth for you! So how can you embrace this truth? How do you make it your reality? How do you embrace this truth when our society plays by different rules.

Begin close to you, to home, to your heart. Find things that truly invigorate you, bring you bliss, joy, delight and when you are in the moment with these things, these people, these opportunities, your soul sings! Now commit. Commit to yourself that you will invite these into your life on a regular basis. Start with one a day. What could it be? A power dance? A long walk in nature? A chant sung as you beat a drum or shake a rattle? A quiet moment with a friend prone in the grass gazing at the stars? What would delight your soul?

Why should we struggle to find our happiness? Why should we suffer, worry and fear? We know our thoughts are so powerful. Why not make these thoughts be of wonder, peace, joy, love, or hope? If the power of these thoughts were sought as regularly as we spend our time in worry and fret, perhaps, just maybe things would shift.

1199995_fireworksLife is meant to be beautiful, amazing and astounding. We trap ourselves into a place of boredom, ugly loss, and pain. And it is not an energy that our soul resonates with, so it tries to reject it. It tries to avoid it, to turn away from it and to denounce it. And so we become uncomfortable, unhappy and restricted. The only way out of this discomfort is to either become numb to it or to replace it. It is a powerful choice we can make. It may not be a choice that is always easy, but it is there. Choose to live the life of wondrous grace, abundant beauty and vibrant energies.

Blessings ~ Lisa Meade ©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade