Asking the Questions

file1861249555434“Asking the proper question is the central action of transformation- in fairy tales, in analysis, and in individuation. The key question causes germination of consciousness. The properly shaped question always emanates from an essential curiosity about what stands behind. Questions are the keys that cause the secret doors of the psyche to swing open.”-Clarissa Pinkola Estes Sometimes it takes a good dose of courage to ask the questions, but the end results are what make it worth it. Have you ever met someone who just won’t go there? They don’t want to rock the boat, they are willing to stay in the stagnant water, they would rather live with dissatisfaction and lack of enthusiasm than take the risk in finding happiness and passion. So they just spend day after day, week after week, even month after month just going through the motions. Some will stay in this dull grove for years, living, but not full of life. Often, life will rock the boat or toss them overboard and they are forced to ask some questions, seek some answers, live outside their comfort zone and this can bring about a fabulous life change for them…or not.

When we feel stuck in a rut that is a clue that we need to begin asking some questions. When we are feeling disempowered…questions! When we are frustrated or feeling trapped…more questions! When we are feeling lost…ask some questions! What is beautiful about this is that we are able to encourage our growth and evolution with these questions. They truly are the keys to our forward movement, our learning and our power!

Asking questions takes practice. It also means listening to the answers. Taking the time to see how they file000612428502resonate with our soul. How they may challenge us or how they may create more questions to seek answers for. There is no rush. Sometimes the process leads to clarity right away and the door swings wide open and we stride through. Sometimes it takes a little more time and consideration and we are offered a few doors as answers and we decide to take our time to view all the possibilities. Whatever happens, you can trust that all this questioning will lead you to some answers, some surprising and some feeling like the perfect fit.

Blessings ~ Lisa Meade ©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

I Open Myself Up To It And I Listen

3e91Listen. Can you hear it? The music. I can hear it everywhere. In the wind… in the air… in the light. It’s all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do… is listen. ~ August Rush Music soothes the soul, it helps the mind travel, it heals the heart and it empowers the body. Music is a tool that I use daily in my life. I escape to the worlds between the notes, I breathe in the rhythm and the beat, and I soar within the flow of the song. Music carries me to the places my soul longs to visit. It is sometimes the only vehicle I can rely on to take me to these places of peace, beauty, magic and inspiration. It is often a connection between mine and other souls. It reminds me of times and energies that I cherish dearly. I open myself up to it and I listen.

I do hear the music everywhere. Sometimes it is a subtle whisper behind the activities of my day, reminding me and grounding me. Sometimes I pull it right up front and lean into it as it supports me as I face the moments where I am needed to be present, full, wide awake and on. I open myself up to it and I listen.

Each morning I wake to the song of the birds; their voices rising to greet the day. As my daily ritualsClose up of an Older Piano take shape and form I carry the songs of my ancestors in my heart, humming melodies that are not forgotten. Moving on to my tasks and interacting with the world I hear the music that the dance of the day responds to. I open myself up to it and I listen.

Music, I hear it when I look into my husband’s eyes, when I hear my children’s laughter, when I smell the flowers blooming, when I walk in the wet grass, when I heal the wounded, when I hold your heart tenderly in mine and when I lay back to rest my body into dreams. I open myself up to it and I listen.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT Lisa Meade 2013

Simple Ripples

file0001566661797(1)The most important things in life are neither extraordinary nor grandiose. They are the moments when we feel touched by one another. ~ Jack Kornfield We all lead busy lives. We are living life with full plates. We have many different obligations, responsibilities, interests and causes. All of which can be wonderful. But it is important that we recognize that with all this busy-ness if we fail to reach out and connect with others, if we fail to be with someone and share…then what are our efforts for?

Walking a life path of intention and grace leads us to naturally want to interact on a soul level with the people we meet. We want to touch their hearts with our words and deeds and to be the recipient of their gracious energies. It is through this energy exchange that lives are changed, supported and celebrated.

The exchange of our energies, the exchange of our heart love and the recognition of our soul’s sharingfile000633683137 with one another creates a web of community building intentions. Simple gestures and actions are often the most impactful and meaningful. We do not need to wait until we have more or extra, but instead to Be with what we do have and allow the simple rippling to begin.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

We Are Just Passing Through

file000704292456(2)“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to Love... And then we return home.”~ Australian Aboriginal Proverb

How does the above quote resonate with you? How does it move you? As a shaman it rings a clear bell of truth. It is like warm honey to my soul. It feeds my belief of how I walk my path in this lifetime, what I embrace, what I share, what I release and what I love.

When we hold this concept in our hearts we place our focus on walking with integrity and grace. We want to be sure to touch the lives of those around us in a positive way. We want to be present in each moment, to embrace the beauty of life and the lessons it gives us.

When you hold this philosophy or thought in your mind, body and soul…you cannot help but walk the earth differently. Your approach towards every situation has a honoring presence because you know that you are about to be gifted, taught, to serve as witness and able to offer honor or support, you are going to grow more fully into who you are becoming or you are about to experience love in the most beautiful possible way. What a delightful way to live. What a promise each moment holds.

Instead of just letting life happen around me. I am plugged in. I am an eager participant in whatever wayfile000722056167 my soul requires of me. Whether I am in service or if I am in a place of pause I still can hold a state of cherishing wonder to what I have before me. It is in this trust that I receive what I am in need of, even when I am not fully aware of what that may be. The mysteries seem to take care of that. I see everyday splendor in the ordinary. I find love in each exchange. My life is blessed with communities who celebrate this way of life as well. I am in good company.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade