Everyday Celebrations

Don’t save something for a special occasion.Every day of your life is a special occasion. ~ Thomas S. Monson

file7931278465796I try to live each day as a special day. Each day if filled with opportunities for brilliant gifts, life lessons, sharing opportunities and more. People come into my life and we celebrate together. Family time creates beautiful spontaneous moments for laughter and fun, memories and magic. Nature brings beauty and pause to my life, chances to witness the wisdom in the cyclical flow.

Living every day as a special occasion brings delight and joy to my days. It also helps me to appreciate the simple and small occurrences and recognize the greatness to be found there. Not every day is made for a party. Not every moment is filled with pizzazz and sparkle. Sometimes it is in the silence or in the obvious that I find great delight to cherish.

So what makes me smile in my day? Ice cooled water with slices of lemon on a hot afternoon, waking to the birds chattering and planning their day, my husband rolling over and draping his arm around me at night, helping a new mom load her groceries into her car as she soothes her crying baby, a shopping trip to my farmer’s market, listening to the rain drumming the roof of our tent while camping…

Every day, every moment has something in it to honor, to celebrate and to appreciate. I just have to be file000262044520present in that moment. I have to be looking for the beauty. I have to be open to the possibilities. And I am willing to rejoice in what I find!

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

How Do You View Your Wounds?

What wounds are you still nursing? Are you willing to let them heal? Can you view them as opportunities of file000241603104growth, transforming and fire starters for your own evolution? Our souls want to be full, healed, and able to expand in greatness and possibilities. We need to find ways to support this healing. “We are not meant to stay wounded. We are supposed to move through our tragedies and challenges and to help each other move through the many painful episodes of our lives. By remaining stuck in the power of our wounds, we block our own transformation. We overlook the greater gifts inherent in our wounds — the strength to overcome them and the lessons that we are meant to receive through them. Wounds are the means through which we enter the hearts of other people. They are meant to teach us to become compassionate and wise.” ~ Caroline Myss

It is in the process of our healing that we learn compassion of self and of others. We learn just how strong we truly are. We often think we cannot handle certain pain or situations, but we do. We heal from the wound, the loss, the trauma and we rise above. Unless we keep ourselves stuck in the story surrounding the wound. When this happens, we keep our attention and our energies directed around the hows and the whys of our pain and suffering. We concentrate our energies on keeping the story alive. This keeps us from moving forward. It prevents us from receiving the greater gifts. It keeps us week, small and fragile.

The shaman can help move the story on or to change it. The shaman is able to discover what is needed for the soul to heal. It is in this process that the heart feels witnessed, the wound is tended to and the soul is able to grasp the positive energies created around this healing and shine brightly with the wisdom and gifts that are received. Once this occurs, imagine the possibilities of your experience! You now have new tools to bring to your day, as you have learned and witnessed how to rise above from a dark spot in life. We have experienced the ultimate form of love, self-love, and now we can share that energy with those around us.

file0001221475581(2)Some people get trapped in woundology. Some don’t know that they have choices. Some want to remain there because the story somehow serves them, and they are challenged to see that there could be freedom and beauty in the place of letting the story go. How do you view your healing of your wounds?

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

How Well Do You Love Yourself?

How well do you love yourself? How much do you adore the uniqueness of you? How creatively do you cherish best onewho you are, right now? Do you see yourself beautiful? In what ways do you adore the possibilities you hold within your soul for all there is to be? I love myself the way I am, and still I want to grow. But change outside can only come, when deep inside I know, I’m beautiful and capable of being the best me I can, and I love myself, just the way I am. -Jai Josefs

Sometimes this is a challenging way to view ourselves? It means being completely honest, open, vulnerable, accepting, gracious and compassionate with our selves. It is not always modeled for us, so it is difficult to see what this kind of loving acceptance looks like, moves through the day like and acts like?

Once we begin this practice of self-acceptance and love, it becomes easier and easier. We find a peaceful place within our selves that holds a tender and gentle embrace. We find kinder words to repeat when our self-talk is happening. We no longer see flaws, but opportunities for growth, shortcomings become places to stretch, and we learn to accept that out best in the moment…well, that is enough and it is beautiful.

Once we find living with this perspective becomes comfortable we notice a shift in the energies of our day. Struggles and distractions are limited. Disappointment and loss leads to opportunities and new beginnings. We find that grace is in our hearts as we interact with others. The critical eye is closed. The sharp tongue is tamed. The doubts are replaced with hopes. Amazingly this practice of self-love and acceptance brings a calmness to life, a fluidity to our movement and a gentle flow to our energies.

file5751275333429Self-love and acceptance is a safe place to invite your soul. It is here that your soul can then open up like a beautiful blossom to the wonder in each moment, seeing the gifts that await you, finding encouragement in simple acts and words, and sharing love with ease and unconditionally.

Blessings ~ Lisa ©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

Ordinary Miracles

file0001334050942Do you see your life as the miracle it is? Do you recognize the gift of each day? Do you honor and cherish the body you are in, the breath that you take, the sights that you see and the opportunities that you have? “People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child -- our own two eyes. All is a miracle.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

What in your day have you been taking for granted? It is an important question that we all need to visit from time to time. It is a question we hope to give value to especially before something is taken away or moves on. Placing value, honoring, cherishing and respecting the extraordinary that is in our lives and seeing the wonder of what we have in our life is important.

Whether it be the honoring of the beauty that unfolds around you or cherishing the loved ones in your life. Take the time. Perhaps you can look at the small things in life with a new perspective, delighting the sound of the rain on the window, noting the laughter from children playing outside, relishing the warmth of your pet asleep at your feet or the comforting aroma of dinner cooking on the stove. Appreciation for all we have in our life makes things matter differently.

Can you see the miracle that you are? Can you recognize the beauty that you bring to others lives? Do you value the attention you bring to your efforts, the unique qualities you share on your path or the smile you bring to the face of those whose path you cross?

Check in with yourself today and look for the miracles within and around you. Look at life through these OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAmiracle seeking eyes. Take the time to delight and adore. Make the time to celebrate and honor. See the miracle in what you otherwise would consider ordinary and allow this to add newness to your day.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade