Life Security?

file7101255704495(1)Sometimes we get stuck. We like to think that we are stuck and mired in the mud of life because of someone else, some other thing in life, some circumstance or situation that is beyond our control. All our energies go towards our attention of being stuck. But we truly are stuck because we are seeking the familiar, even if it does not feel good or make us happy. Somehow this familiarity gives us security but that security is a false balm for our needs. “It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.”― Alan Cohen But if what we are stuck it no longer holds the possibilities we once hoped for, no longer has our commitment, no longer awakens our passion or supports our intention then it is most definitely time to move on. This letting go takes strength and courage. It means stepping into a new realm of unknown. But we were once there before and from that place we grew! Our gifts shined brightly. Our soul danced. Our vision and calling was clear. And we went with it, as far as we could. And now it is time for a shift, a change and a move. Often to do this we need to let go. Letting go of what no longer serves us is not always easy. It can be bittersweet. It can be down right painful and we will experience loss. But that is part of the evolution of our being, our essence expands and fills the void that the loss creates and we are able to pick up the pieces and move on.

To embrace our power and be vital and alive with the spirit of our life we need to face these file0001857757833challenges and not allow them to hold us back. If we need to take our time, that is fine, but we need to make the progress onward. Otherwise we are in a life half lived! To be fully the wonder that the Universe knows us to be, there may be leaps of faith, calculated risks, releasing of the unnecessary and embracing the room for possibilities. The void created will get filled choices, newness, and opportunities for us to expand and grow.

Blessings ~ Lisa


Peaceful Perspective

I want first of all to be at peace with myself.I want a singleness of eye, a purity of intention, A central core to my life that will enable me To carry out these obligations and activities as well as I can. I want, in fact ~~ to borrow from the language of the saints To live ‘in grace’ as much of the time as possible. I am not using this term in a strictly theological sense. By grace I mean an inner harmony, essentially spiritual, Of which can be translated into outward harmony. I am seeking perhaps what Socrates asked for In the prayer from the Phaedrus when he said, "May the outward and inward man be One." I would like to achieve a state of inner spiritual grace From which I could function and give As I was meant to in the eye of God. -Anne Morrow Lindbergh

There has, over the course of our human history, been tragedies, horrid unfair and incomprehensiblefile000761803659 occurrences that leave us feeling vulnerable and in pain. Of late I have seen these tragedies unfold around me and as a shaman I find myself approaching the feelings that rise up from these heartbreaking events quite differently than I would have in the past. Rather than react, rather than add more energies to the negativity that is unfolding, I go to my place of peace. I seek this place within that I have grown more and more comfortable in, it is where my truth resides and I find myself as closely touching the divine as I can.

From here I can then find the grace of love, compassion, and balance. There is no judgment, as that does not serve me or those around me well. There is no anger as that is only a waste of my resources. There is no need to react in any other way other than in love. I bring this love through supportive energies, prayers, rituals and peace-filled thoughts.

What I have noticed is that as I keep my spiritual eye focused on this state of being, it seems to reach out to others I have connection with. It gently brings them back to a place of balance. It reminds them of the sacred place they have within. It seems to ground them and bring them to that place of comfort.

file0001394152293There is much we have to be grateful for, much we are blessed with. These incidents, among the many different perspectives that they bring to lives, bring the recognition that we need to place an importance on where we choose to place our focus. We are often quick to point out what we are lacking, where we fall short, who may have it better than us and more. But if instead we consciously make the choice to place our attention to what we do have, who blesses our life, how fortunate we are and to the beauty that surrounds us, life is viewed very differently and we move with grace from this perspective.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

The Mosaic of the Soul

file0001449577953There is a quote I recently read from author David Grossman, “I mean, if I could only put some of these together, these soul-fragments, maybe I could see them as one complete mosaic and finally understand something, a kind of principle that holds me together. Don't you think so? I'm talking about the things that have no first names, that accumulate on the bottom of the soul through life, layers of sediment and ore. If you asked me to describe them to you--I would have no words, only contractions of my heart, a passing shadow, a sigh.” This quote embodies the call of the shaman. It is within this role that I find my most passionate energies, my heart’s rhythm and my soul resonates deeply. When I am in service to others in this role I find myself bring together the scattered pieces, the lost parts and bringing relief to the wounded portion of the soul. When I am in service in this role I find my abilities and training come to the front of the line and shine brightly. When I am in service as a shaman I am able to bring to the client the missing, the unrecognized and the shunned. The relief and the completeness weaves its way into the soul and the indescribable begins to become understood, present, and honored.

A feeling of wellness and wholeness begins to reside again within the soul. It feels honored and celebrated. It feels recognized and cherished. In this place of beauty and positive energy it is able to become an integral part of your life and you become aware of the absence that once was and is no longer. Possibilities begin to present themselves. New beginnings appear where you felt there were only endings. Lessons do not feel like hardships but instead blessings. Life changes and your perspective on it does as well.

Through the use of guides, journeys, energies, rituals and other tools the shaman is able to weave file000459771159together what was broken and torn within the soul. Then you become the author of your story of truth. You begin to see that the stories you carried with you may not have always served your highest good, but instead held you back, kept you small, fed your fear and more. The opportunity to bring health and well being to your soul should not be neglected, but instead a priority. It is part of the foundation of your happiness, your wholeness and your authentic life.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

Expansive Life

file000428418542We often forget the expansiveness of Life. We live in rooms within buildings within neighborhood within towns within states within countries within hours within days within weeks and we forget how large and timeless it all truly is. This compartmentalization makes some feel safe and others feel trapped. John Muir once wrote, “The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.” And within these words we remember. Our soul reminds us of the many worlds some only visit in dreams, it reminds us of the lives across the globe who we do not touch flesh to flesh, yet our hearts still can beat as one, and of the ancestors before us who still visit and remind us of our lineage. We remember that we are not meant to be small. We remember we are all one. We remember that many also hold the wants and hopes we hold within our heart.

When we begin to remember just how vast our opportunities can be we see possibilities in everything. Wefile000272561395 see lessons everywhere. We find beauty in the single blade of grass, in the dried seed casing, and in the eyes of a stranger. We are able to walk through our day with an understanding that to be fully in this moment means bringing attention to all that is here and now, not to get lost or give attention and energies to yesterday or tomorrow. We then are the divine audience to the wonders of life, others and ours. We honor and celebrate, we witness and take part and we live fully in the moment at hand with appreciation of what is offered us.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade