You Are A Perfect Soul

file000660097037You are a perfect soul. You have everything you need already inside you. How delightful and beautiful is that truth. We sometimes forget this. We sometimes place our attention on what we are not and then that is all that we see, what we are not. Yet, have you noticed that those who love you, who admire you, and who are grateful for you see so much of whom you are! Two different perspectives of the same person, you! It is sometimes challenging to hold this truth present. There are times when the day’s activities create stress or strain and we feel overwhelmed or weak. There are times when the people within our life bring along their drama and we feel it weighing down the moments that surround us. There are also situations that are beyond our control that cause us extra work; burden or potential worry and we feel it darken the light of the day. But if we maintain our focus on who we are and trust the truth that everything we need to get through these moments is within us and we need nothing more than to show up and be present, then we begin to feel a bit stronger, lighter and the day feels a bit more peace filled.

Where we cho0se to focus our attentions and our energies has a lot to do with how we few our days and file0001430798412our life. Our approach changes with the perspective. Our emotions are more balanced. Our heart remains peace filled. And our soul is able to shine with its divine essence and remain fluid in its energies. We do not feel stuck or trapped. We see possibilities and opportunities and we are ready to receive them. We walk through our day with a grace and ease and take in stride any of the situations that often try to derail our best efforts with a sense of preparedness or awareness that we are being given a chance to bring in our authenticity and our truth. Often these times are when we are presented with potential growth and we become more of who we are!

Blessings ~ Lisa


The Long Winding Tale

One thing I have learned from my spiritual life coaching practice is that the longer the excuse, the file00066522944more it is hiding the truth. Sometimes our truth is so brilliant and beautiful that we have to spin a long, long tale to wrap around it so that we no longer are reminded of it. For some, they feel they are not ready for their truth; they want to hide from it, run away from it and keep others from seeing it too. Most of us would not dream of stealing from someone. Yet, some steal from themselves routinely. They steal from their potential. They rationalize why the time is not right, the benefit is not for them, the opportunity belongs to others and they begin to believe the excuses over their truth. They hide from their own inner light.

And yet, it takes only one second, one breath to experience when we act in our truth and embrace that moment, we feel the gates of our soul open wide and all the energies and inspiration shine through. One experience like this can be life changing. When we feel that moment of freedom we feel our soul come alive with the breath of our divine truth. That can never be undone. For many that is enough to begin taking steps on the path of authenticity and freedom. We let go of the lies that we used to tie us down, to hold us back and to keep us small. The pain is no longer stronger than the power we find in our truth!

file000723018608Philip James Baily once stated, “The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat one’s self.” Cheating one’s self of the beauty awaiting you, keeping yourself from the blessings that are brilliant gifts with your name on it, turning down the possibilities and opportunities that cross your path and reach out to you…all this serves no one. It is not as though someone else will then receive them, that is not how it works. What the Universe showers down for you, is meant for you, to help you grow, to encourage you, to challenge you and to bless you. It will never feel the same for anyone else. It is a soul loss and a waste when you keep yourself from being who you are meant to be and from receiving the blessings that have come your way.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade

Let Go For Growth

file000155266518(1)Eckhart Tolle has written, “Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.” Let’s admit it, our lives are pretty full. Most of us have limited amounts of free time. So is it any wonder that when something new is ready to be birthed in our life, space must be made? If we are walking with intention, we may actually be aware that something has to give and put forth effort to make the space. But if we fail to recognize the need to create room for emergence, sometimes the Universe provides! If only we can remain present with the fact that when something comes to an end, when something leaves or fails to thrive, it may and often is because the need for space is active. Our soul is often aware of this and if we are able to check in and be fully present with our truth we will see that loss is necessary in all of life. Endings, even those that bring some sadness or regret, are important to the birthing of newness in our lives.

If we can accept this with grace then the sadness of loss is fleeting, as we stay present with the possibilities. We stop trying to cling to what must go, whether it is a relationship, a situation or a hope. We learn to step aside and allow our soul the access to new beginnings and the powerful energies that reside there.

This changes the perspective on loss, for me. That is not to say I don’t experience sadness when file000876648396(1)something ends or my efforts fail to produce the results I had hoped for. I am human after all and have emotions. But I do not let these emotions rule my understanding of my truth. I allow the sadness to flow through me and release it so that I can then embrace the promise of new emerging opportunities. Regrets are few, for I cannot go back and change. All I can do is observe, learn, embrace the lesson and carry it forward with me to the next step in life. Things flow much more smoothly when I stay present with this realization and put it to practice in my daily life.

Blessings ~ Lisa


Are You In Alignment?

file000337000965(1)Financial guru, Suze Orman, was on television the other day offering advice to folks facing investments in today’s tough economy. She stated, “In order to live a rich life, everything about who you are must be one, in alignment, and in pure harmony.” I sat there an immediately lapsed into my spiritual thought process and lost track of the rest of the television interview. What wisdom! And money aside, how right for EVERYTHING else in our life! But let’s not turn this quote into a book, just a blog! So how do you define rich? For some it includes money or possessions, for others it is lifestyle, family and friends and for others it is opportunities, career, and calling. Regardless of your definition think on this … in order to be rich in life, everything about you needs to be aligned, whole, one and in harmony, agreement or synchronization. WOW! What a fabulous intention to set one’s focus on.

Think back to a moment when you really did feel rich. Go there in your thoughts, think of where you were, who you were with, what the circumstances were and how you felt in your body, your mind, your heart, your soul. Now, slowly step back and look at that moment, that day, that time and check in and see how your alignment was. Odds are things were pretty much in great configuration and you were shining brightly and filled with joy and ready to leap forward!

So how do we bring these types of moments more and more into our day? Obviously, it is going to take something on our behalf to make it happen. I believe it begins the moment we open our eyes, beginning our day with gratitude to have yet another gift of a day to share with others, to be in service, to shine brightly, to interact in loving relationships, to strive towards health and well being, to inspire, to be inspired, to dream, to stretch and to reach! And we have ONLY opened our eyes!

Then there is the opportunity to connect with Source; regardless of your personal practices, bringing the sacred into the ordinary aligns our soul with our being. Taking the time to step into the realm of our spiritual self, to honor and celebrate that aspect of our selves and to unite this essence with our actions creates a spiritual union that serves us and others well.

And how shall we cherish and celebrate our bodies? Do you check in with your body daily, asking it what its needs are and feeding it foods that serve as fuels and health promoting energy? Do you move it and use it as it is designed to be used, dancing, hiking, stretching, and climbing through your day with grace and ease, delight and intention? What does your body long to do that you have not given it the time to?

Oh so many things to align, and we haven’t even spoken of thoughts and the power in them, making sure file8951276054784(1)that they are in position with our intention of living a rich life? And what of our heart and its rhythm and outreach, it’s capacity for self-compassion and healing? As you can see, coming by the riches in life, takes a good amount of intention and focus, effort and insight, but oh how preciously wonderful it feels when it all comes together. And how glorious we see ourselves to be, how amazing our lives show themselves as they are, and all possibilities become an adventure to explore! Oh the beauty of it all.

Blessings ~ Lisa