A Different Perspective

We often look at stumbling blocks as lessons and gifts to learn more about ourselves. This is very true. But file0001763837073I also hold a different perspective about some of the blocks and walls we run into. Sometimes, and almost always with hindsight, I see these obstacles as opportunities for me to stop. They have been put before me so that I not only slow down, but that I stop, what I am doing, thinking or saying and take a look inward and around me. Sometimes I need to be pulled off my path so that I take the time to reconsider my options and the possibilities. I have a tendency to gain a momentum and movement in my actions and this does not always serve me well. These impediments will sometimes allow me to take the time to see I can shift directions.

Sometimes I just need time to reconfigure or to rest. Rest is a good thing when we are moving forward toward an objective or calling. It gives us the space to restore, to release and to remember. These are all very important aspects of being honest and honoring of your work and process.

file7631240507395Setbacks are not always to be looked at as a failure, but merely a hindrance. Complications sometimes happen for reasons that provide space around our process. Instead of begrudging these I am learning to embrace these opportunities. It is not always easy to remember this, but when I do, things seem to shift. My energies creatively become something new and the essence of what I am doing responds. There is a freshness that can be found in these moments if we can stay open to them.

Oh, please do not think that I am in any way saying that these times are always enjoyable or peace filled or even satisfying. But I have learned that they are often exactly what I needed at that point in my journey. Accepting this is half the battle of letting go of the disappointment that can be created. Our ego takes a back seat and our authentic self nods knowingly as we embrace the moment.

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade