Creating Sacred Space
/Take a walk through my home and you will find each room honors my family’s connection with Spirit in some way. The Goddess, who is prominent in our lives, holds sacred space on the walls, in the color choices of the paint, through sacred art, and even in the patterns of the material used in our curtains and drapes. We have very intentionally woven our spiritual beliefs into our home décor. We are surrounded by the celebration of what we hold in our hearts and we love it.
Most people who enter our home do not notice the intentional decorations. But we do, and that was and is the point. Each child participated in some way, whether it was in the color scheme choices, teaching them how to paint walls, in the choosing of a special painting to give as a birthday gift or even in selecting throw pillows that have a specific pattern woven through. We have learned and discussed the meaning of the different symbolism of each Goddess…Kwan Yin and the dragon, The Morrigan and the raven, The Goddess Nut and the skies above. We have as a family specifically chosen which Goddess is to be celebrated in which room of the house, based upon Her story, Her attributes, and Her lessons and gifts. The meaning is significant to us and that is what is important.
Altars are scattered throughout the home as well. Special places to pause in our day to reflect upon our actions, to seek insight and strength, to make offerings at and to call upon the compassion and offerings of Spirit to support and guide us.
Intentionality is a personal gift to self and those you hold close. It offers a special bond that can be shared and can be woven into the fabric of your relationships. Growing up in this surrounding feels very normal and in alignment with mine and my family’s beliefs and practices. We have grown accustomed to it. But we do not take it for granted. We have made a point of bringing tradition and celebration into this environment that adds a layer of its own to the spirituality of our family.
How do you bring representations of your spiritual beliefs into your home? Do you have sacred space that honors this important part of your being? They say the temple is within, and it is. But it can also be displayed in the space around you and offer you a special way to connect with your sacredness. Do you also create spiritual connections around you as well that are tangible and intentional? Do they offer up to you moments in your day to support your connection with Spirit? If not and you want to consider small ways to start there are beautiful ways to build this bridge. A simple altar set up in a room can offer you peace and connection. A vase of flowers that are a certain color of significance or hold special meaning to you may brighten a corner. Perhaps you may create or purchase a piece of sacred art to display within your home. There are many ways to begin, if you wish. Finding ways to embrace your spirituality in ways that are unique and personal brings a special beauty to your relationship with your beliefs. It adds emotion and beauty. And it awakens the energies within.
Blessings ~ Lisa
©COPYRIGHT 2012 Lisa Meade