What Road Shall You Take?


We often say we are on our path; spiritual path, path of passion, path of beauty, or path of service. These paths help us transition through the layers and levels of our growth and expansion. There are times when we are not sure what direction to choose next. What road should we take to get us to the next place in our life for fulfillment, happiness, and awareness.

For me, checking and listening to my soul is the best way to receive my directions and clues. These clues often lead me to places of expansion that transcend my biggest dreams, go beyond my deepest longing and challenge me to reach further than I thought I could. My soul knows where I need to go, what I need to get there and who I will meet along the way. Learning to trust these intuitive messages takes time, but with repeated practice and awareness, I have found my way.

My soul brings forth my fearless juices. I steep in these and find my creativity, my ideals and my hopes. I journal, I dream, I dance, I sing into being my next steps, my next path, or my next journey. Choosing the next path becomes easier. The signals are clearer. My understanding is deeper.

One step at a time leads me to the next direction. Being in the moment and being present helps me navigate the twists or turns that may present. Remaining open to the possibilities that may occur brings wonder and a certain excitement to each day. Rarely, if ever, am I bored or overwhelmed. Always, I am engaged and feeling alive!

Blessings, Lisa

The Beauty of Slowing Down

Life passes quickly. A fact we learn as we move through our life. The days of childhood long gone as well as the feelings of a day lasting a lifetime. Now, I find that the week no sooner begins and I am looking at Friday! It is not that I am over busy or over worked. But my life is full! There are many things I am involved in with passion and delight.

I am not one to rush through things. I like to savor moments. I like to enjoy the energy. I like to be present. When I do take the time to slow down I notice my focus shifts as well. I become a more attentive listener. I offer more of my heart to the moment. I pick up on nuances that would otherwise be missed.

Slowing down also helps me to be more efficient and effective in my tasks as well. Sloppy errors rarely happen. I am tuned in and I pick up on things that could go amiss before they actually happen and I am able to intervene.

My natural rhythms flow when I slow down. I tend to be a rather grounded person and so when I am going at my own natural pace my energetic vibrations match. As I bring this to the many activities of my day I find I get more done, am very awake and aware and enjoy my way through the day. Slowing down helps me to maintain a balance in my life between the doing and the being.

Slowing down, whether it be at work, food preparation, eating, moving or in conversation creates space for magic and wonder as well. It allows me to check in with Source and be in the moment. It allows me to share this beauty with others.

Our world is fast paced. It can be chaotic and frenzied. But I can choose to be within my own energetic vibrations and live a life that fits my flow. When I do, good things happen. When I do, I feel whole and complete. When I do, I bring my best to what I do. There is great beauty to be found in the slowing down.

Blessings, Lisa

Perspective and Power

Everything contains its own unique energy. Even our perspective. Sit with that for a moment and think on this ... if perspective is energy, what do I want to give energy to? If we invest our time, attention and energy into something we are a proponent of as opposed to something we are against, imagine the results we could manifest!

Being against something or someone can generate an energy that is infused with a negative essence. Your perspective will be impacted by this as you move through your day. BUT if you can shift in the way you are viewing the situation, the relationship or circumstances to a positive perspective, the energies are impacted in kind.

In the shamanic realm, energies can be generated quite quickly and spread with tremendous potency. Knowing this, positive energies that are rippling out and spreading from our thoughts, our actions and our words will have a far more healing and healthy impact in the end than if we place our focus on something we are not in alignment with.

This is not to be confused with going through life with rose colored glasses, but instead making choices that are grounded in the intention of well being, support, healing and growth. The stronger these energies become in my life the more they crowd out and take over the room for the negative aspects of life to be allowed in.

It takes awareness and being in the moment. It takes conscious thought and attention. But the more it is practiced, the readier my mind, body and soul are to enter into that space. Not being in this alignment feels uncomfortable and unfamiliar now. Whereas living a life seeking the power of a positive perspective and focusing my attention and energies there feels rich and vibrant. It becomes an easy choice to make.

Blessings, Lisa

Have You Forgotten?


Don't get so busy in life, so distracted with tasks, so drawn into story or drama that you lose sight of what you love. Have you forgotten just how good it feels to do something you just love? To go somewhere that feeds your soul? To be with someone who celebrates the time you have together?

Remember when you were completely wrapped up in the desire to follow your passions. You would wake with inspiration to bring to it. You would lose track of time while doing it. You would share with others every aspect of it. You loved the energies that ran through you when you were involved with your passion. Of course, sometimes life dictates that we put our passion aside for other responsibilities, other's needs such as our children, or any other important requirement of our time.

Sometimes we forget to return to our passion. Slowly the time and space that it held in our life is replaced with other commitments. Sometimes it is a choice we make, believing we have more important things to do, or that we don't have enough time to give to it, or that it is not a priority. We have slowly forgotten just how good following our passion was for us.

We have bought into a story, often created by others to justify why they have forgotten to follow their passions! This story holds judgement. This story stops us in our tracks. This story keeps us from experiencing the bliss and joy that passion brings!

The Universe gives us things to become excited over! It teases and tantalizes our senses with delight, with wonder, with awakening energies of passion. Our soul waits on these moments. It knows the energy will expand into so many other areas of our life. It relies on these energies for creativity, for healing, for refueling and more. It is within these energies that we find inspiration. Our vision is filled with possibilities. Our options are more fluid. Our gifts grow and long to be shared. Our confidence and awareness reaches out.

We do not have to let go of our dreams, we do not have to put down our passions to still be productive in this life. If anything, making the time and honoring these aspects of who we are will make us even more productive. Or, at the least, possibly better at what we are doing! It is in the energies of these passions that our life feels satisfying, beautiful and abundant. It is these energies that we find ways to share with others. It is in these energies that our soul is given the opportunity to be more and more present in our actions and our thoughts. What have you forgotten?

Blessings, Lisa